Sunday 10 March 2013

The Modern Feminist Speeh

The progressive liberal media has contributed to legitimising misandry (the hatred of men) in the name of "misogyny". It has twisted the definition of equality by supporting the evil proposition that because men dominate (whatever that means) over women, women need to be able to express the thoughts about men in any way women want regardless of how insulting or rude it is.

The following would be a modern feminist speech:

We have almost come to a stage where we are equal to men. We have equal pay and laws to protect the safety of women. However, we need more women in politics to control the vices of men. We do not have such vices. Men are the ones with the vices.

Although men are sometimes hurt by the actions of some women, we must look after women only to help ourselves. We do not need the support of men or our children. We should punish rape, but not seduction of men by women because we are entitled to indulge in physical pleasure. Men are not entitled to indulge in physical pleasure because they have to work for us. They are our slaves who are not even entitled to fundamental basics.  We need men to work for us as slaves because otherwise they will bully us.

We got to where we are by ourselves - only half of the world's population. We do not need the other half of the world's population although everyone contributes to the activities that go in our global community. 

Women are placed on earth to have fun. Men are placed to work for us so we can have fun. Past treatment of us by men is our excuse. Although it makes the society chaotic and destabilised, and hurts people, it is legitimate because women are the ones in control.

Modern feminism is a double standard. I would even argue that the past treatment of women by men may not even have been so bad. At least it was probably not as sneaky and cunning.

Modern (radical) feminists should be ashamed of who they are and grow up. They should learn to care for others.

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