Thursday 14 March 2013

The 10 Media Commandments

We are a postmodern world.  People are becoming increasingly confused about many things, especially the younger generation. The media often takes advantage of this to put forward a certain idea. When people criticise it for being devious, it accuses its critics of being narrow-minded or naive. The following "commandments" come from the Western media:

  1. Report not the facts, but what you think of the facts in your opinion. Construct what you think to be the facts.
  2. Do not tell the whole truth because there is no truth. Only tell selected facts. 
  3. Tell the younger generation of men that they have to be muscular to be a real man.
  4. Tell the younger generation of women that they have to be beautiful in our prescribed way to be a real woman.
  5. When interviewing a politician one likes, ask them questions that are easy for them to answer to make the masses support them, whether it be a question they undoubtedly cannot answer owing to privacy reasons. (Does this remind you of anyone?)
  6. When interviewing a politician one dislikes, ask them questions that silence their point of view. 
  7. Whenever a cultured, upper-middle class western woman goes missing, report only her point of view. Make the people feel sorry for her.
  8. If a man, or a uncultured, lower-class or a non-western woman goes missing, or is killed, do not report only their point of view, unless their families give us money.
  9. If a government policy is aimed at helping cultured, upper-middle class western women, then express how the government has not done enough.
  10. If a government policy is aimed people who do not fall within the group specified in commandment 9, then express how the government has done enough and how it has marginalised cultured, upper-middle class western women.

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