Thursday 7 March 2013

The Lie about Egalitarianism

The Australian society like to think of itself as one that treats everyone equally. That is the heart of egalitarianism. The term 'equality' is a very ambiguous terms and so are terms like 'empowerment', 'freedom', 'choice' and 'independence'. What is equality? It seems that equality, as it is generally accepted means to treat people the same. To treat people the same means that there is a need to be the same as others, as opposed to being different.

On the surface, it may seem as though egalitarianism, equality and respect is key. However, it has a catch. Its underlying values is based on the idea that people should only treat others in the way one is treated by others. This contradicts respect which involves humility. Being humble is to give up the right to treat others badly when one is wronged by another. 

Egalitarianism simply means that no one should be of a superior position, and thus no one deserves extra respect or reverence. It is true that people do not need to bow down to others, but sometimes, one needs to listen to those in a higher position in the workplace or government because they have the responsibility to lead. 

Egalitarianism leads to individualism - the idea that the individual is paramount. 

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