Monday 30 September 2013

Loony Libertarians

'Libertarian' senator wants gun liberalisation on the grounds that it would allow victims of violence to protect themselves. That may be true, but it would allow perpetrators to do more harm to others. Anyone who wants guns to be available is loony. I kid you not. Maybe, it is a political stunt to justify any radical movements.

Check this out:

Sunday 29 September 2013

Sociology: The Indoctrination Machine

The Chairman of China, Xi Jin Ping once said that, to foreigners, there is not one China, but a thousand different slices of China.  What a profound phrase! There are indeed many ways to look at society. One sees society through one's lens which has been shaped by one's values and beliefs.

Sociology is the study of society. Hence, in sociology, one of the subjects which I have studied, social theories are taught. There are many ways to look at society, and this is no cliche. Sometimes, what others interpret as a lack of something, may not be seen as an issue by another because the latter believes the lack is not a lack at all.

 For example, people in Asia do not talk about rights. Instead, these people talk about communalistic obligations. People in the West may see this a dangerous because it leads to entrenched discrimination because people are not able to fight for what they see as rights. However, people from communalistic societies could argue that  allowing people to fight for rights leads to unacceptable selfish behaviour and does not stop discrimination. Different social groups have a different framework of thinking, and hence a different social structure.

Sociology courses in Western universities are based on humanistic, rights-based framework. It is not an objective ideology that all must submit to, but a subjective one. It is a perspective. The dangerous thing about sociology courses is that lecturers are in a position to indoctrinate students with ideologies that are dangerous - ones that incite hatred against certain groups who are against the liberal regime, in the guise of tolerance. Tolerance, in which one must support certain minorities and hate those who are against them. This is the hidden agenda that infiltrates modern universities - the intolerance of tolerance.

Saturday 28 September 2013

The Attitudes of the Conservatives v Liberals

There is a difference in attitude between the people on each side of politics. No side of politics are the same in the strict sense. The only similarity is that they all have an agenda. What the agenda serves is a different matter. The two images below are examples of how the ideology of both the conservatives and liberals can be compared. Although they are generalisations, they may contain some elements of truth.


Friday 27 September 2013

The Perverse Progressives

Majority of people I have dealt with are perverse progressives whatever "progressive" means. Progressive seems to mean that one is very open-mined and liberal. This often means that is order for one to be progressive, one must forget the traditional values, that is family and community values and ensure that everyone complies with the new set that seeks to liberate people. This liberation is seen as good by many as it seems to mean that they are free to believe as they please, free to think as they please and free to say as they please. Majority of people think that it is the most liberating ideology which will create a harmonious, civilised and peaceful society. This is the stupidest and most perverse philosophy, no offence.

What is even more sad is that many people think it is perfectly normal. If one does as one pleases whenever one pleases and however one pleased, there will be people whose dignity is interfered with. This subverts the principle of equality that most people swear by. Yet, the majority thinks it is a good philosophy because it is "tolerant" and "open-minded". One does not need to be a conservative philosopher to see that is a a foolish, perverse philosophy. This is the disgusting core of liberalism.

Liberals (with a small 'l') think that conservatives are very narrow-minded, backwards, naive and foolish to believe that there must be a set of rules that society should live by, in terms of do's and don'ts. However, liberals themselves have a principle too - that one must not criticise others for their actions or beliefs because it is their beliefs and actions, such that no one should be criticised except those who opposes them, that is, the people against moral relativism. The liberals are really not as "open-minded" as they really are.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Marxist Indocrination

Marxism treats the government as the supreme body, as though it is some divine figure. The government that is. I don't know what you think but the government is made up flawed human beings, human like those who it governs. Therefore, it unreasonable to treat the government as a divine figure.Marxism on campus to make people believe that one must trust the government. However, Marxism, despite its good intention to make everyone equal, has failed to gain the trust of the people. In fact, it has made people distrust government more than any other form of government has.

Note: Be sure to check out the link in blue above and join  for information about political correctness. Despite its name, Stop Political Correctness is a group which seeks to discuss whether PC is needed in society. It does not stop people from expressing views different from that which the members hold.

Monday 23 September 2013

Indoctrination, Indoctrination, Indoctrination

Every word with huge implications gets discussed intensively as to the meaning of the word in the postmodern age. This includes the word 'indoctrination'. Indoctrination is the impounding of ideologies or beliefs into one, without place for questioning what is being taught. That is real indoctrination. Modern universities are largely tools of indoctrination. Many people do not even realise this because they do not even know what they believe in, what they don't and, most importantly, why.

Sunday 22 September 2013

"You impose your views on me, but I don't impose mine on you", says the liberal

Modern universities are a propaganda tool for liberalism. Anyone who dares to even hold personal values or beliefs that are against liberal beliefs is deemed a bigot without question. The young university liberals think they are so inherently open-minded because they are progressive, liberal and, above all, anti-conservative. Most of those who do not get involved in politics or have a concern, the apolitical -  have liberal leanings: they believe that, if nothing else, one should not be a conservative. One should attack conservatives, never liberals even if the liberals are outrageous and act in a bullying manner.

The liberals say, "it's fine if conservatives have their views, but they should not impose it on others. They are the ones responsible for doing so, not the liberals." They say legislating with respect to (conservative) personal beliefs constitutes to imposing one's views on others. However, legislating with respect to liberal values is not imposing views on others? Do liberals not have personal beliefs? Regarding legislation, the values of some ideology, irrespective of what it is will ultimately underlie the law. That is the nature of policy. There is no policy that 100% of people are satisfied with, and you what? That's life. 

The liberals, of course, say that it does not impose views of others when its values are legislated with respect to because they provide "open choices" for all. But, there is a catch in this. What one may appear to be open choice is not always that - a choice. 

Saturday 21 September 2013

The Intolerance of Tolerance

These days, everyone, especially the anti-conservatives who are proud of the perception of themselves as open-minded, progressive, good citizens enforces the rule that one must be tolerant. What does this mean? One must accept with others say and believe, regardless of what it is. The truth, is that one cannot accept all ideologies, beliefs and values as some contradict. People who believe in a universal, objective truth are harshly criticised by the majority for being intolerant on postmodernist terms.

Postmodernists claim to be very open-minded, but they are against anyone who claims there is a universal, objective truth. How can this be "tolerant", for it is also against something - absolutism. This inconsistency reveals the hypocrisy of those who scream blue murder when someone believes in an absolute truth, but yet support those who attempt to impose their relativistic views on others.

It is true that some absolutists are hypocritical. That that of relativists of worse, as they pretend to be believe in no truths, but act as though this is the truth - their version of the truth.

Friday 20 September 2013

The Hidden Face of Racism

There is a clear distinction between immigrants, former immigrants and the children of immigrants from non-Western countries, and those who of the dominant ethnic group in Australia. This distinction is imposed by society. 

Many Australians are extremely ignorant of non-Westerners in terms of their behavior, thinking, culture and lifestyle. They make the most ridiculous assumptions about non-Westerners. 

Asians are assumed to be all the same - hardworking, but insular and negative about others, and not to be trusted because they are too capable
Middle Easterners are assumed to be all the same - Muslim, and insular and narrow-minded, but to be admired for any outstanding achievements because they thought to be are not as capable in the work force.
Africans are assumed to be all the same - refugees, umemployed, of a lower mentaliy and responsible for crime
Aborigines are assumed to be all the same - drunkards, violent, and incapable of finding work 

This is the truth about racism, in its latent, hidden form, in Australia.

What happens to money in a welfare state

What happens to money in a welfare state? Very simply. Government collects tax from  the working class and the business class. It then gives money to groups like:

  • Prisoner' legal services;
  • Unemployed people, some of whom are in desperate need of financial assistance;
  • Refugee' legal services; and of course,
  • Mothers, even if they are very rich, because only their contribution to the society counts. That of others do not. 
It forgets about:
  • The elderly
  • Single fathers
  • Immigrants who work
  • Indigenous people

Tuesday 17 September 2013

PC : The Friend of the Radical Social Engineers

PC enables radicals to twist the truth, and indoctrinate the masses with false assumptions, such as the assumption that only women are victims of violence, and always the victims, and that men are always the perpetrators. This leads to unjust policy making. Injustice leads to the destruction of society, hurt, despair, brokenness. To those who still support PC, brace yourself for the times of despair and suffering to come. I dare you to brace yourself.

Sunday 15 September 2013

What a University Education Should Be

The purpose of encouraging people to undergo university education should not be to merely get some qualifications, on top of enjoying leisure. It should be about developing character and understanding more about the society, culture and values. It is not a means to an end, but an means to another mean. Education is a life long process indeed. 

Many modern universities are infiltrated by liberal thinking academics who attempt to indoctrinate naive, uncritical thinking university students, who make up the majority, by teaching certain philosophies are rational, fundamental or objective. Some stop students who have alternative views, that is, conservative views from speaking out by using fear tactics in classrooms. 

Such students are increasingly seen as "racist", "sexist", "homophobic" or "illogical" because conservatives make up a minority - sometimes a minority of one. Conservatives have what many see as outdated, irrelevant or redundant ideologies which deserve to be punished. In addition to this, the student body in charge of providing services to students can use their position to silence alternative voices, while claiming that they speak for all, simply because politically incorrect alternative views have no place in a liberal university.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Radical Feminism in Australia

Check out this article about radical feminism in Australia:

Why Political Correctness must be Stopped

PC allows people to take advantage of the flawed ideas of mainstream society and influence the way people think and ultimately act. A flawed idea is a dangerous idea as it leads people away from Truth. When people are lead away from Truth, they behave in ways they should not. Clearly, a postmodernist would not see PC as an issue as he does not believe in Truth.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Beast

Its seed has been sown since the 1st century. It has been breathing inside its packet from the 5th century to the 16th century when Europe had a Papal ban on debt. The Church failed to prevent debt during the 16th century owing to conflicts within it. The 16th century gave birth to the modern state. So what is debt? Among other things, the modern state is responsible for its accumulation of debt.

Debt is property owed to others. It is essentially the taking of something owned by someone, to make it one's own. Hence, unpaid debt is the equivalent to stealing, justified on the pretext of the need to acquire more. Greed. People borrow from others, and charging it with an interest is to take advantage of someone else's greed.

Debt, thy name is Mammon. Mammon is the spirit of greed, the want to own more for oneself. Global debt has accumulated as the ugly Beast of Mammon rears its ugly head.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Stop Political Correctness

There are many sickening double standards in society, but some of them can't even be spoken about. Others are considered legitimate. Political correctness is a way of enforcing whose rights are privileged and whose rights don't exist. The PC police often sides with minorities because it makes them look benevolent, when they are, in fact, cunning and devious. As long as PC is allowed the thrive, such entrenched, often minoritarian, double standards will triumph. It spells the death of community and wages more culture wars and division. 

Saturday 7 September 2013

PC equation

PC = freedom of speech for some, restriction of speech for those against the ones who enforce PC
PC has become not only a law, but a set of beliefs to adhere to for the sake of what the PC police say

Thursday 5 September 2013

Freedom of Political Communication

Freedom of political communication is defined by the progressives. If freedom of political communication is truly free, it is not defined by any particular group, but by each individual. Why should the progressives tell us all what to say and what not to? It is ironic how it is offensive to criticise the progressives, but noble to criticise those against its agenda.

Welcome to the world with the progressives dictate what we can say.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Letter to Rights Groups

To the Rights Groups

You are always talking about "rights", saying that the rights of what you call minorities are not respected. You tend to put these groups into discrete categories to the exclusion of all others - women, homosexuals, refugees and certain ethic minorities (but not all ethnic minorities). You are always trying to lecture us about equality and fairness.

If person of a "marginalised" group such as an ethic minority, woman, refugee or a homosexual commits a kills a person who is of a dominant  (redundant and outdated) group, it deserves to be treated with leniency. If a person of a dominant group even dares to think that a person of a "marginalised" group is untrustworthy, you would immediately demand that person by ostracised by society. You may say, it is not as though we demand that they be executed, but really, thinking someone is untrustworthy is not wrong in itself. You make it that only you can say that dominant groups are untrustworthy simply because you cannot accept their strength, rather than dominance.

You use the term dominance erroneously as many of those people of marginalised groups are very successful. You use it to psychologically induce people to accept your lies about victimhood.

You are not a decent bunch. You do not genuinely care about people - you are only after your own cunning self-interests to control those who you are jealous of.

The Centrists and Communalists

PS: We are the ones who you call "conservative".

Go away communists

Dislike of communists in modern, progressive Australia stems from the idea that communists are backwards, regressive, irrelevant and hence redundant.

It is funny how some progressives in Australia feel extremely offended when you call them a communist - because they claim to fight for equality, just like the communist ideal. Seems that progressives in Australia are not communists.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Letter from Rights Groups

To everyone, in particular the dominant groups

Rights are entitlements that all people should be able to enjoy. Owing to the many injustices in this world, the rights to many people are eroded and it is always minorities who suffer. Minorities are people whose rights are neglected. Since about 99% of people do not care about the rights of others, we need to take radical action.

We need to take away the rights of dominant groups, because dominant groups oppress us. They are the ones who are evil and are always to be blames. It is true some of us are strongly disliked by dominant alpha groups, but how can we be evil? We support minorities for the good of humanity. People should not look down on us, they should look down on those who hate us. However, if we hate others, it is because we have a legitimate right to.

We claim rights to protect others. We are entitled to more rights than others because we are disadvantaged. The suffering we face is because of dominant groups. Who are these dominant groups? Men, straight people, people from rich, and increasingly strong non-Western countries or people of these cultures. These people are the ones who have no right to existence because we the minorities say so. What we the minorities say should not be questioned. We are not trying to control and silence others - we are trying to gain our needs.

In minoritarian solidarity

A Rights Group

PS: We are a minoritarian group that supports the rights of minorities.