Sunday 30 June 2013

Why I Write This Blog

Some people have criticised my blog posts to be 'negative', 'judgmental' or 'disagreeable'. That's fine. To be frank, our society is one that is so unethical, immoral and decadent. There is no nicer way to say it. I will not be saying nice things when it is not warranted. I am not for praising people as some people would like. What I am saying is a realistic account or prophesy of our modern world. Honestly, our society is so immune to immorality and corruption that so many are blind to it. The ignorance of the masses is the main factor that has inspired me to write this blog. Most people have no sense of right or wrong and so they only act according to their interests, without considering the needs of others. It is time our society turns away from its decadence. If my next few posts shock you into the accepting the reality, it should.

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