Saturday 1 June 2013

It's Not Possible for me to Discriminate, but it is Possible for Others to Discriminate

It is generally accepted that there are no truths. It follows from this premise that every view is equally valid. No view should take dominance over others, or so, as the postmodernists (or radicals) like to maintain. Are the postmodernists really neutral? The postmodern progressive left have set a certain set of standards that the  general society should following, on the grounds that equally can only be achieved by collective tolerance and respecting the views of others to be equally valid. This has allowed some groups to claim that others are discriminating against them simply because they are criticised by others. The groups that criticise others for the wrongness of their actions are silenced because on grounds that their views are not correct.

The hot topics of our modern society such a racism, homophobia and misogyny have been subject to the postmodernist respectful guise of tolerence. Anyone who criticises a group for being unethical or immoral is immoral or corrupt themselves because they are making their views dominant. This seems to make sense from a postmodernist perspective, but isn't this rebuttal a criticism in itself? Since, it is a criticism of another's views, isn't it just as wrong to make such a criticism. For one to criticise others for being critical of one, while being critical of that criticism is one of height of hypocrisy. 

This is exactly the radical left does. Those who are against them are bigots, those who are for them are virtuous. This hypocrisy is one of the most devious, disgusting kind, that deserves the greatest criticism. It deserves the utmost shame. 

It is based on the erroneous premise that "it is not possible for me to discriminate, but it is possible for others to discriminate". It is not a matter of being left or right. It is a matter of truth versus lies. 

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