Sunday 23 June 2013

How an Egalitarian Society can Encourage Reverse Discrimination

Despite what majority of people think, discrimination is prevalent everywhere, even in an egalitarian society like Australia. Egalitarianism is not about fairness or justice. Egalitarian is merely about not having anyone put oneself as superior to others. Not having any "tall poppies" has nothing to do with fairness or justice. It only concerns people not elevating their position or status above others. Isn't that fairness, you may say. No, its not. Egalitarianism can give rise to, as it has in Australia, reverse discrimination on the grounds that the underdogs need to be privileged to be given a fair go.

Those of underdog status often abuse their status by playing victim to force others, the silent dominant groups whether majority or minority into control. Sounds familiar? It should. Not all the minorities by population abuse their status to control the dominant groups and force them into submission to their will. Egalitarianism has lead those of "underdog" status to do so. Such reverse discrimination is often worse than that of the majority because those perceived underdog status are able to legitimise such discrimination. Those who do not cry victim cannot legitimise discrimination. The differences in ability to legitimise discrimation is discrimation in itself. Those who use their "underdog" status to do so such hang their heads in shame.

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