Friday 25 January 2013

Postmodernism: Twisting the meaning of right and wrong

Postmodernism has given people the "authority" to make up pretexts about their actions which harm other people. People deny the rights of others on the pretext that their rights would be denied if they had no access to a certain "right". The classic example would be the case of abortion. Radical feminists claim that without the right to access "reproductive health care", women would not be equal with men in terms of income and independence. Therefore, in the view of radical feminists (which is the view of most 21st century feminists), abortion as a choice to have children and control over one's body is a legitimate right. However, what do they mean by equality? I believe that out of all groups, people should be most suspicious of feminists. They never define clearly what equality means. Equality, in my opinion is equal value and dignity as a human being. Equity does not mean  exact material wealth, but rather the absence of sweepingly large disparity between any groups or individuals. People should be free from interference of external factors and free to do as they desire, as long as it does not harm others. Feminists seem to cut off the last phrase because, I suspect, because deep down they know that abortion is wrong. The same phrase-cutting applies to advocates of homosexuality.

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