Sunday 27 January 2013

Postmodernism: Respect? What is respect?

One of the word that has been abused the most is 'respect'. It has been used in very cunning ways. In particular, homosexual advocates argue that gays are not being 'respected' when they are not legally allowed to 'marry'. Respect in this sense refers to the action, not the people. However, the term is blurred between the behaviour of gays and gay people. It is based on the paradigm that homosexuality is a behaviour people cannot change and that people are born gay. However, scientific studies have not shown this to be the case. Instead, studies have shown that sexual orientation is influenced by the environment.

The main argument against 'gay marriage' is that it is not marriage because marriage, according to Natural Law is the union between a man and a woman. The argument against gay marriage refers to the actual behaviour, not the people. Respect, by this argument, means to care for the community. Marriage, from the perspective of Natural Law protects women and civilises men. It follows that it also provides the best environment for children to be brought up by a father and a mother.

The argument for gay marriage seeks to advance the individualistic desires the the gay community, whereas the argument against seeks to protect the community.

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