Thursday 28 November 2013

Beware the Nice Sweet Person

There has been a great deal of campaigns in Australia regarding violence, that is, violence against (Australian?) women but not violence against other groups. Violence is force used against someone such that the victim is unable to resist it, to control the behaviour of the subject in the long term or short term. Physical acts which perpetrate such force are obvious, but verbal abuse is not. This is because it is hard to determine whether verbal messages cause someone to behaviour accordingly to another's will. Furthermore, behaving according to the will of another may not necessarily be done out of lack of individual autonomy.

The signs of a violent person are:

  • repetitive or constant swearing
  • immodest dressing
  • often gathering together with people who are aggressive
  • intentionally rude gestures
  • unsympathetic 
  • appreciation/taste for crude jokes, especially jokes which make fun of oppression or weakness of others, but yet feel offended when people make jokes about them
  • attempting to spread ideology that picks on only certain groups while forgetting it own group regarding violence e.g. feminism, in particular Australian feminism
If there is one piece of advice I could give you, it would be that people who seem nice and demand good respectful treatment, usually in a way which makes you feel bad because you know you haven't done anything wrong are the people who can be trusted the LEAST. There are many people like this at the university I attend, and perhaps in the whole country. The domestic university student population is largely representative of Australian youth. This  should remind you of certain people. The Jezebel spirit has entrapped Australian society.

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