Tuesday 31 December 2013

Darwinism (5): The Ultimate Justification of Eugenics and Abortion (including Sex-Selection Abortion)

As we are all animals who have no value, according to the Darwinism theory, eugenics, the extermination of an unwanted part of the population whether it be ethnic minorities or girls, is totally legitimate. Why? Because no human deserves any respect if that is the case. Eugenics, abortion, population control and birth control come together. 

Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger who once said "We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." Yep, that's right. The eugenicist had the intention of providing abortion to exterminate a certain race for being of that race. This is the height of racism. She and others eugenicists founded Planned Parenthood and justified abortion on the ground that it "helps" women. 

Abortion is a means of putting a woman through pain and guilt, and the killing of a baby. It allows irresponsible fathers to shift the responsibility of looking after a child to the mother. Abortion is a right? No. It is not. It is does not merely incite violence against women and children: it IS violence against women and children. Yet, the liberals who claim to be so against violence against women support it.

Abortion clinics are killing machines. It is time they shut down. It is the ultimate exploitation of women, and the killing of innocent people. 

The Ultimate Exploitation of Women: Abortion, by Brian E Fisher
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC97E8D2162EBAFBD - Investigation of Planned Parenthood which condones sex-selection abortion (of girls) despite claiming it seeks to "help" women.

Darwinism (4): Practical Applications of Darwinism

Darwinism has been applied by fascists and dictators to dehumanise people - literally. Hitler argued that Jews were not people by using pseudo-scientific arguments that drew from Darwinist evolution. Mao and Stalin used Darwinism to justify the mass murders of their own people.

For Counterexamples to Evolution see: http://conservapedia.com/Counterexamples_to_Evolution

Sunday 29 December 2013

Darwinism (3): What is really is?

Darwinism is the idea that something comes from nothing and that things exist as a result of random acts, rather than acts with intelligence behind the design of the beauty of nature. To say something exists by acts of randomness is to say that a building has no builder, or a painting has not painter.

Since there is no intelligent force behind natural things, including humans, there is no moral accountability or responsibility. That is why the current generation of youth embrace Darwinism. Darwinism teaches us that we can do anything we like without accountability, responsibility or even the feeling of guilt. It teaches us that we can murder, rape, commit incest, paedophilia, fornicate and exterminate unwanted sections of the world's population.

Saturday 28 December 2013

The Two Fighting Youths

A youth punched  another youth
In the darkness of the valley
The punching and beating and kicking
Went on repeatedly
The onlookers gazed far into the distance
Not even eyeing the river of blood
The sun came up
And two bodies were found
One would wonder
How many more bodies could be found
If anyone stopped to help
For the victim was not innocent victim
But a guilty victim
Who had glassed her victim
Because she was casually talking to her lover

Friday 27 December 2013

The Perpetual Jail Kid

The prisoner was once a kid,
A young innocent kid
Who knew not his father, but only his mother
Who beat him, knived him, skulled him
In the name of Independence
And who expected only yearly payments
Who demanded the government give her
Not what she needed, but what she thought she needed
The now grown kid
Learnt only how to take, but not to give
How to envy the workers, but not how to work
How to trash, but not how to clean up one's act
Now he is the perpetual jail kid.
Who knows no values and morals

Had he had a known father
Who could have loved him ,and cared for him
Who knows where he may now be?
But, it was too sad,
One may only blame his parents
For their irresponsible selfish acts
To satisfy their pleasure
The fruit of their desire
A rotten delinquent, a
A perpetual jail kid

Darwinism (2): Evidence Against Evolution

There are many testable and provable scientific theories that refute Darwinian evolution.

  1. Order within living systems - Evolution (that is, Darwinian evolution) purports that living things are a result random molecules that order themselves with purpose to form living things that can function independently of external forces. Darwinism contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics which can be proved mathematically.
  2. Living things do not arise from non-living things as can be observed in nature. Have you ever seen a living thing being a product of non-living things? Asexual or sexual reproduction by living things is needed to give rise to living things.
  3. Darwinism purports that mutations are random. However, mutations, that is variations in a species are not random by inherited through gametes. They are caused by environmental factors such as climate, UV exposure

Wednesday 25 December 2013

The Dark 20th Century

The 20th century has been more people die from war than the previous 19 centuries put together. Germany, Japan and Italy were known as the three military fascist states. Germany and Japan are banned from being permanent members of the UN Security Council as a result of their past atrocities. The slogan 'Never Again' as such strong words which shame a people to never forget and never repeat its crimes against humanity.

The war of China and South Korea against Japan over the war history of Japan continues. Footage of the war waged by the Japanese in Nanking was captured as evidence for the war crimes committed by the Japanese troops. The Japanese Government worships the executed military generals as though they were gods and do not admit the atrocities it committed against the Koreans, Chinese, Malays, Indonesian, Thais, Vietnamese, Phillipinos and all other victimised countries.

The darkness of the 20th century has become darker in the 21st century where truth can be lie, and lies can be truth.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas

Christmas is now a very commercialised event. In Australia, it is characterised by shopping, meeting with friends, parties and wine. Many  forget those who are lonely, poor needy, sick and victimised. Helping the lonely, poor needy, sick and victimised is the true spirit of what Christmas is supposed to be.

Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!

Sunday 22 December 2013

Darwinism (1): The Hypothesis

Many people believe that Darwinism is a legitimate theory on the grounds that it is scientific and evidence points to the evolution of species. Proponents of Darwinism show the series of the pictures depicting small horse to the large horse, the similarity of embyros between different species and claim that the number of finch species in the Galapagos has increased over time. However, simply because the embyros of different species look similar does not mean that they have a common ancestor. Simply because there are different features of horses discovered over times does not mean that they evolved in the sequence as discovered.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Hidden Pride

Many people in the West insist on foreign intervention. Some even believe that a country that does not become involved in such intervention is a bad evil country. However, many who think this way fail to see how no sides of a conflict is completely innocent. These pro-intervention people argue that governments must help where possible, but fail to see that it is a matter between the parties involved in the conflict to resolve the conflict themselves as they are in the best possible position. In addition to this, such intervention may stir up more conflict and increase, not decrease social stability. Ultimately, seeing the need to intervention because one's own country can resolve such conflicts is based on the prideful belief that one is superior. This is why so many countries in the Africa and Asia, as well as the Middle East see the West as a cunning enemy, not a benevolent power.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Beware the anti-PC Crusade, says the liberals

The liberals at university self-righteously express concern with people who are against PC. For those of you who don't know what PC is, it is political correctness. The anti-PC crusaders are fighting against PC because they believe PC shuts down debate. However, one can argue that these anti-anti-PC crusaders are the ones trying to shut down debate against them, while opening up more "debate" (read: indoctrinating propaganda) for themselves. How open-minded are the anti-anti-PC crusaders.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Wake up Australians, Apartheid is Alive and Well in Australia

Mandela is Gone, but Apartheid is Alive and Well in Australia. It's time Australians wake up and confront the ugly reality underlying the veneer of Australian tolerance.

Liberal journalists Assume they are Superior

The liberal media loves to control what people think. They call it their job because they think they are superior to everyone, especially since they are anything but 'conservative' - the dirtiest word in liberal vocabulary. CNN Desperately Defends Obama's Relationship with Radical Professor is a classic example. The journalist tells a person with an alternative view about the Critical Race Theory that he doesn't understand the Theory. She reminds me of Leigh Sales and Chris Uhlmann. Leigh Sales, in particular, likes to repeat questions to a people she does not agree with simply because she thinks she is so smart, open-minded and superior, only to find her enemies turn the tables on her.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Unlimited Rights

It seems as though, in the postmodernised world, everything is possible as there is no right or wrong. Hence, paedophilia may one day be regarded as a right since there is no absolute right or wrong. It would be before we know it, a group of paedophilic oversexed academics gather together to form the Children and Adult Love organisation to promote "loving" relationships between children and adults, and there would be the paedophile (or in PC terms: child-lovers) rights movement. The term 'paedophile' would be changed to child-lovers to push forward the movement.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Psychopaths are Not Merely Explosive Bombs

Modern psychology teaches us that psychopaths are merely people who have gone mad owing to one's genetics and one's dire circumstances. Thus, the modern psychologists say, mass murderers and serial rapists are the way they are because of genetics and their circumstances. Yes, genetics and circumstances may play a role, but ultimately it is the moral centre of the individual that decides whether one would do such things. There are many crazy people out there, but not all of us do such things. Why? Because we have a moral centre. To say that psychopaths killers do what they do is like saying that the mean girl or bully boy only does what she or he does because of one's inherited genes, plus a set of bad circumstances. Modern psychology is: a propaganda tool for liberalism.

The impact of sex selection and abortion in China, India and South Korea

The impact of sex selection and abortion in China, India and South Korea. The problem with sex-selective abortion apart  from the abortion itself.

Saturday 14 December 2013

The One and Only Alfonzo Rachel

Alfonzo Rachel may be a social conservative, but he is not the 'typical' social conservative that many anti-conservatives or liberals may make him out to be. He is witty, intelligent, humourous (because he is political humourist) and above all, he does not judge those who have different views from him. Instead, he kindly and gently expresses his stance on a range of political issues including welfare, gay marriage, racial politics and the liberal education agenda using moral logic. He is upfront, honest and does not hide his opinion.

For an alternative analysis of politics, check out his website at: http://alfonzorachel.com/.

Friday 13 December 2013

Imagine a Boot Stamping on a Human Face

Imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. This is what Big Brother said to Winston, the protagonist of George Orwell's 1984 who sought to resist a totalitarian government, but tragically failed to do so. Sadly enough, one need not imagine such a violent oppressive act. One need only see what is happening through the news and by personal observation.

Australia is becoming increasingly violent. A man stomped on someone's head as a act of violence in New South Wales. This is only one is many cases of violence. However, such acts of violence against a man is not portrayed by the media as something that is shocking or even unacceptable. It is portrayed as something normal and tolerable, fueling a culture of violence. Only acts of violence against Australian women are portrayed as unacceptable and worthy of condemnation, whereas acts of violence against all others are unworthy of any media attention. In addition to this, speaking out against the media for omitting such acts is considered 'sacrilege' in our culture because speaking out about media bias towards its favourite group incites 'violence against (read: Australian) women'.

Silence about evil is worse than the act of evil itself. Thus, the media is a boot that stamps on the faces of certain groups by politicising the suffering of others.  The media is the root of all hypocritical "benevolence".

Foreign Intervention = Asking for Trouble

Many people in the West assume that they are capable of helping countries ravaged by civil war and should attempt to help such countries accordingly. However, civil wars are never simple and both sides have a self-interested agenda, whether they be the government, rebels or juntas. People who fight against others have an agenda to advance their own means whether it be for a good intention or a bad intention. Of course, some will criticise this argument as one which is attempting to find an excuse for not 'helping' others. Fighting always involves harming or hurting others, something that is completely against helping others for their good. Using harm to fight others from harming others does not enable one to help others. The need to 'help' others has been used hypocritically by the West to show its "altruism" to gain support from the weaker countries, only to find that these countries often resent the West even more than they did before foreign intervention.

Human Rights are Self-rationalisation Tool

Human rights is the idol of the modern world. People scream about violation of their "human rights" as soon as their pursuit of their self-interests or those of their allies have been violated. However, they turn a blind eye and even justify the same act they condemned when others are subject to the same treatment. Therefore, human rights have been used as a tool of rationalising one's interests. This is what 'human rights' are for. It is to advance the humanist agenda of progression.

Thursday 12 December 2013

It's so Fashionable to be a Child/Youth Worker (yes, in Australia)

Many teenagers from the age of 14 to young adults of university age are employed in casual jobs. I understand that not everyone is there for the money, but I do understand that many of them, but not all, have the motive of competing with their friends in terms of their career prospects. A girl once told me that she wanted to work because you 'need to work your way up'. She is one of many who is a materialist and a hedonist. This quest for power is the same for the quest for riches as they are both material possessions. Many people think that serving the boss is something worthwhile, while helping one's family members and serving one's family is slavery. It is this disdain of helping the family that many think it is fashionable to start working early - to fight for power and money.

I am not in any way saying it is wrong to work while young. I am pointing out the attitude of many young people whose motive to work is a means of seeking power and money.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Australian Universities: A Breeding Ground for Wild Stupid and Inappropriate Behaviour

Australian universities are the cornerstone of the Australian economy. (Whether the economy is boosted by future workers, that is , generation Y is a different matter. However, they are also a breeding ground for wild people. Many Australian university student (ie. the culturally Australian locals, not ethnic minorities born in Australia or international students) not only participate in, but celebrate wild behaviour, such as doing 'inappropriate things behind closed doors'. Anyone who does not support or condone these things is deemed to be a backwards, stupid, naive, retarded idiot by majority of university students. The older generation of Australians often point out and are shocked at how wild university students have become. It is true that there were some wild university students in those days, but such wild behaviour was not cultural.

The wild young people think they are invincible because they are too proud to see how they must face the consequence or accept responsibility and they think they are so sophisticated by doing these things, only to find out they are not as invincible as they really are. How sophisticated are the wild partiers. It would not be surprising if the future Australian economy suffocates, because Generation Y is a generation of hedonists who are self-entitled and only know of fighting for one's rights.

Monday 9 December 2013

Scientism is the New Black

Scientism is one of the most dominant ideologies in the modern world. It purports that anything that cannot be proved true by science cannot be accepted per se. The underlying belief is that science can determine the truth of all things and that anything which cannot be proven by science, such a moral values, has no value of truth. Such a philosophy would be questionable, as science can merely seek to show the truth about that of the physical world, rather than other spheres such as the sociocultural or economic world.

Beware the Little Old Lady

A little old lady tripped in a public shower because of her own clumsiness. Being very poor she decided to feign intense pain by deliberately falling over in a public space. Owing to the cultural obligation of looking after the elderly, a teacher who pitied the old lady asked 3 young school kids to help her. Two of them grabbed her hand, while the other gave instructions about how to help someone up. 

The old lady noted which school the kids came from. She alleged to the principal that the kids who helped her deliberately pushed her over. The principal, shocked, immediately gave her the addresses of the kids. Being a shrewd cunning old lady, she sued the kids' parents for "pushing" her over. Two of the kids parents gave her some money to pay for medical fees. One of the kids, however, fiercely rejected the claim that he pushed her over when interrogated by his parents. 

"My whole family will die if you do not pay," the old lady threatened the parents who the kid who denied pushing her over. "You obviously do not teach your kids properly. He pushed me over. Your kids will be cursed one day- because of you," she continued to taunt. The daughter-in-law of the old lady, who knew the truth about the incident exclaimed in shock, "You fell over out of you own clumsiness! How dare you tell such a lie!" 

The lies of the old lady died. So the parents of the kid took the story to the media. 'Beware of the little old lady', the media preaches. 

Based on a true story in China. 

Saturday 7 December 2013

What Comes in, Must Come Out

One need not be a biology student to know that some of what one eats will be excreted as waste. Toxins and food material that converts into toxins in the body will be excreted. Similarly, liberalism must be excreted from the society. Liberalism is a disease which must be flushed out of one's system. Check out a contrast to the liberal material that you are bombarded by  in the modern world at http://conservapedia.com/Main_Page. Whether you agree with it or not is a different matter, but I urge you to check it out to get an alternative perspective.

Friday 6 December 2013

Conversations with Liberals about PC

Below are my experiences with liberals on campus about the concept of political correctness and its implications:

One guy told me that the term 'political correctness' is a "derogatory" term used by the 'right' against the left. The other guy with him said that he supports political correctness. I explained that we are trying to get people to analyse and think about whether we need political correctness. I told them that people these days are very confused about what 'tolerance', 'discrimination', etc means. I gently told them that we seek to explore what these terms mean as these terms have been twisted around to serve the self-interests of particular groups who claim to serve all. 

One woman, who must be a liberal/progressive was saying how we need political correctness to stop people from being "discriminatory". She interrogated me (literally), by aggressively asking me to apply examples of situations where political correctness is dangerous. I told her immediately that PC can be used to legitimise inappropriate or evil behaviour like paedophilia. "Political correctness can be used by paedophiles to justify the "right" to paedophilia," I said. She nodded in agreement. There was no choice, but to nod.

I was telling a girl I know from the the Reform Party about how we are starting up a think tank to discuss political correctness. I did not tell her it was called 'Stop Political Correctness'.  She said it sounds exciting and that she would be willing to participate. She demonstrates an understanding of political correctness and supports it. She also told me in a self-righteous manner that she would be concerned about people who are trying to stop political correctness rather than political correctness itself. Such is expected from a liberal. 

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Nasty, Hypocritical Pretentious Journalists - Typical (small 'l') liberals

Again, Leigh Sales engages in the ABC liberal-style advocacy journalism which hypocritically stands up for minorities, in this case, refugees. This is not to say she is the only journalist who does so, and so it would be unfair to say she is the only person who does so. However, she is the classic example of an advocacy journalist. Her interview with Immigration Minister Scott Morrison involved asking questions based on the assumption that her opinions are facts or, even worse, truth. She starts of with a leading question about the way 'asylum seekers' were treated, such that there is no way the interviewee can argue against her (superficial?) opinion without looking like he does not understand the question. When he tries to put forward his case, she cuts him off.

Sales, like many liberals, is like a growing child who assumes that anyone who disagrees with her, or tries to build a case against her is bad, evil or not to be trusted. Many liberals, one could suspect, feel sympathy for people who are deviant, or engage in illegal activity because they themselves are perhaps not strong enough or moral enough to follow the law where the law is morally and ethically sound.

People identify with people who have one thing in common with them and have no capacity to attack (having grounds to criticise) them tend to feel sympathy for them, or even think that the bad behaviour of people similar to them is justifiable. On the other hand, those who one perceives to be  capable of attacking them and have something in common with the perceived potential attacker are despised the most. This is perhaps why the media typically feels "sorry" for minority groups - because it makes them look like they are giving the minorities a voice.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Human Selfishness Proved by Psychological Studies

Psychological studies have shown that people are more likely to help others who are perceived to be victims only if they can be categorised together to have a common characteristic. (Levine, M., Cassidy, C., Brazier., G., & Reicher, S. (2002). Self-categorization and bystander non-intervention: Twoexperimental studies. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(7), 1452 – 1463.) This, I believe is not a propaganda tool. It is a plausible claim. Just look at all the media attention and public attention devoted to  Jill Meagher when she was raped and murdered. Compare this attention to a person of an ethnic minority or a man.

The media is controlled by mainly feminists who identify with only middle-class, cultured, Western career women like themselves. The psychological theory which has been thoroughly studies explains why these stuck-up hypocritical bastards from the media who preach "tolerance", value the lives of Westerners over Africans, Indigenous Australians, Jews, Asians and anyone else who is not an Australian Westerner.

Whatever your opinion about the blatant media bias, the theory shows human selfishness that is inherent in all humans.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Interference with the Affairs of Others is Utterly Unnecessary and Stupid

Interfering with the private or personal affairs of others has become a socially and politically fashionable trend in the Australia. Whether you critique the beliefs of another culture, political group or religion, or, make a statement about how hard or annoying you find another to be, you are sure to have someone reprimand you for doing so as if it was a demonic evil thing you were doing. I've had that happen to me before. Forget about whether the person is in a position to understand what you are saying, it is absolutely patronising. It is also insulting when the person does not understand the framework from which you operate and they criticise you for being "intolerant", "bigoted" or being "unhelpful". The legitimate critiques people make are a private affair and need no reprimanding, and therefore unnecessary.

The only criticism that deserve criticism for being criticism are the ones that attempt to stop itself from being critiqued.

Saturday 30 November 2013

Feminist Indoctrination and Double Standards

Many people do not realise how indoctrinated they are by feminism. Feminism has blinded people, including men and boys themselves to think that they are the ones who are responsible for all the 'plight of women'. Google searches reveal 10 ways the world is sexist against men and boys, such as how boys are expected to always give in to the wishes of their girlfriends no matter how pushy or manipulative she has been. As someone brought up in a more conservative culture, as opposed to the liberal Australia culture living in Australia, I can see very clearly the double standards against men. On the other hand, women in the Australia, and perhaps the West at large, are not in any way reprimanded for being manipulative. In fact, I have seen how such manipulation by Australian women is encouraged - regarded as a sign of a "strong, "independent" woman. This sort of manipulation is considered one of the most despicable character traits in cultures where there is an obligation of respect for all others, such as in Asia.

No wonder men do not want to marry and have lost respect for women in the West. It it all too understandable.

Who can you Trust?

The people who can least be trusted as people who are treated nicely and with great esteem, but do not treat others like that. So, beware of who you are working with, in a relationship with and who you talk to regularly.The views and ideologies of an individual determined whether one will respect others. Those who hold individualistic ideologies or attitudes, such as the Jezebel spirit can not be trusted much, if at all. Anyone who falls into the snares of such a person should break free immediately.

Friday 29 November 2013

Why Politics is Inevitable

Politics is about seeking one's own self-interests. It inevitably involves manipulating others to push one's interests across. In doing so, lying, deceit and misleading propaganda is needed. However, not all political groups are the same. Some seek self-interests using an ethical manner, but most don't. As humans are all inherently selfish, politics is inevitable in this world whether one likes it or not.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Beware the Nice Sweet Person

There has been a great deal of campaigns in Australia regarding violence, that is, violence against (Australian?) women but not violence against other groups. Violence is force used against someone such that the victim is unable to resist it, to control the behaviour of the subject in the long term or short term. Physical acts which perpetrate such force are obvious, but verbal abuse is not. This is because it is hard to determine whether verbal messages cause someone to behaviour accordingly to another's will. Furthermore, behaving according to the will of another may not necessarily be done out of lack of individual autonomy.

The signs of a violent person are:

  • repetitive or constant swearing
  • immodest dressing
  • often gathering together with people who are aggressive
  • intentionally rude gestures
  • unsympathetic 
  • appreciation/taste for crude jokes, especially jokes which make fun of oppression or weakness of others, but yet feel offended when people make jokes about them
  • attempting to spread ideology that picks on only certain groups while forgetting it own group regarding violence e.g. feminism, in particular Australian feminism
If there is one piece of advice I could give you, it would be that people who seem nice and demand good respectful treatment, usually in a way which makes you feel bad because you know you haven't done anything wrong are the people who can be trusted the LEAST. There are many people like this at the university I attend, and perhaps in the whole country. The domestic university student population is largely representative of Australian youth. This  should remind you of certain people. The Jezebel spirit has entrapped Australian society.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Economic Anarchy of Capitalism is the Real Source of Evil: Albert Einstein

The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labor - not by force, but on the whole in faithful compliance with legally established rules. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.

Albert Einstein, The World As I See It (1949)

Capitalism is the ideology that one has possession over what one has, and thus can do with one's possessions as one pleases. The spirit behind capitalism is mammon, the spirit of greed. The false god of capitalism has made people more greedy, self-entitled and deprived people of their humanity. The whole world is now slave to capitalism. People want to work, but only for higher pay and more holidays or leisure. People do not want to work in order the serve others.  People dare to say that they want to a pay rise even when they work less or work in a blatantly inefficient manner. This shows how self-entitled and self-centred people are. More importantly, this is why capitalism works - it thrives of economically effective labour. 

NB: Please not the views of Einstein are purely his and do not necessarily represent the views of the author of this post. Many who claim to be communists or socialists are really wolves in sheep's clothing, without trying to imply anything about any target group or individual in particular. They use the label to appeal to others. If you have any comments about capitalism, please feel free to contact me by the contact form right at the bottom of the page. Feed back is strongly encouraged.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Corruption in Australia

To many Australians i.e. the average politically uninformed Australians, corruption is very rare or occurs very infrequently in Australia, at least compared to other countries. Don't be deceived by the media. The Australian media often brushes over corruption such as that committed by Eddie Obeid and Gordon Nuttall. Don't forget the Fitzgerald inquiry which sought to investigate widespread corruption. Now, the new government has announced a taskforce to investigate customs corruption. Corruption is not confined to monetary transactions. Failing to report something that an official is obliged to report can be argued to amount to corruption.

Saturday 16 November 2013

The Dominance of Humanism at Universities (1)

Humanism is the ideology that humankind is paramount above all. What human institutions dictate socially, politically or culturally accepted are deemed to be acceptable on the ground that it is the most popular. Thus, what is immoral but popular, such as violence against certain groups on the grounds of their race is deemed acceptable if popular within the humanistic framework. This ideology is what dominates modern universities through law and arts courses. Democracy is taught to be the only one right political framework. Many university courses impose this view on the students. Humanism has come to universities. The crucial question now is how will it influence the next generation?

Thursday 14 November 2013

The Irony of Education

Education has its irony. It can be used to empower people, while disempowering them at the same time by teaching false ideologies, irrational discourses and false doctrines. People are empowered by having knowledge of such things, while not understand the reality of the world and universe. The Best Schools Blog  comments on the culture of modern education. It supports the view that individuals possess free will and are morally responsible for one's own actions. Communities flourish stably when it is accepted that people are responsible for one's own actions, irrespective of how much they have suffered, been hurt or oppressed. It does not purport that people who are "oppressed" are always innocent and therefore, anything suffering they have is attributable to others.

The Best Schools Blog can be found at http://tbsblog.thebestschools.org. I strongly recommend you check it out.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Dignity Does not confer Individual Rights

Especially these days, one cannot be sure whether one is oppressed or not. There is not because oppression is a relative concept. It is indeed not, but people treat it as though it was relative when it concerns their enemies, but treat it as though it was absolutist when it concerns their own or their allies. Oppression is to strip away the dignity of others. This dignity comes from being created equal to all others and from this alone. Dignity is not granted by government, society, family, culture or any other human institution. It is objective. Rights, however, do not arise from dignity. Rather, obligations based on a categorical imperative come from this dignity. Everyone must follow the categorical imperative to ensure it is not broken.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Distracted by Trivia

When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience, and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; culture-death is a clear possibility - Neil Postman

Doesn't this remind you of the Australian media, and in particular, media focused on only the attention of fashion, celebrities, careers and all the other material things? It does, doesn't it? And also, Australian politics, especially when Julia Gillard was campaigning to be elected in 2013?

Comments on our Republic: If the Jackboot Fits, Wear It!

Comments on our Republic: If the Jackboot Fits, Wear It!: What socialism really is. Parallels between Obamacare and Nazism.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Regarding the previous post and pictures

You may have noticed I said PC is typical of those who do not reject universal objective categorical imperatives of obligations. I actually meant to say PC is typical of those who reject universal objective categorical imperatives of obligations. Hope it clears up any confusion. The pictures from some past posts have been gone because I unwittingly deleted photos from the Google Photos. While I apologise for this, the pictures are pretty common and can be found on the Google. Furthermore, the descriptions used the posts are perhaps sufficient! :)

Friday 8 November 2013

How PC has Damaged Society

What political correctness has done to society: it supresses the truth. PC is typical of those who reject universal objective categorical imperatives of obligations, because they want to impose their (low) standards of morality (or lack thereof) on others. This is so that they can justify their own actions and silence those of criticise them. PC is HIV.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Two sides of a Coin

A conflict is like a coin in the sense that either side can be right in some ways, but neither is completely good and innocent. The side that is preferred according to how one sees it depends on external circumstances such as a wind blowing the coin such that it always lands in one direction. The modern media is like the wind. It can create spin (no pun intended) to favour one side and distort the picture. Information Clearing House is a great news outlet which reports the news that the average person would not see. Most people are probably not even aware of the tip of the iceberg of news stories reported in ICH. I strongly recommend you check it out. I also recommend Russia Today which is another great news outlet which presents stories which do not side any particular hegemony like the Australian media.

The Death of Truth

In a world which increasingly hates truth, political correctness has gained more followers. Political correctness is a tool for suppressing truth. These days, everyone is deemed to have a bias and people who understand the truth are regarded as people who have another "perspective". Sometimes, it is really not a matter of perspective. Some things are objectively and universally wrong, like murder whether it be a so-called "honour" killing or an abortion. Culture does not matter is circumstances like these.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

What Discrimination Really is

Australians yell out "discrimination" every time their self-perceived entitlement or  "right" is "violated". There is no such thing as a "right"  in the objective universal sense. There are only categorical imperatives to do or not do so certain things. Thus, discrimination cannot arise when one's right is violated, it only occurs when people break the categorical imperatives. Categorical imperatives are what every person must follow for the imperative to operate universally. This is the core of the Kantian theory of ethics. Discrimination occurs when people treat some more harshly or lenient than others with respect to fulfilling these obligations.

Of course, for a country in which obligations are foreign, and any call for obligation is equated to slavery, no one in Australia would understand this, except for a very few.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Communist phrases

  • Whether you like it or not
  • Do as I say without question
  • You must give up your rights
  • Your must respect the authority of the government
  • There is no such thing as a right
  • Rights are self-perceived entitlements
  • Weaker groups do not deserve more help or privileges

Thursday 31 October 2013

Australia: The land where the victim can be in a "dominant" group

Australia is very pro-minoritarian country, in particular feminist and full of violence. Political correctness and postmodern moral relativism are the two culprits that are responsible for such evil perverted ideologies. One in three victims of domestic violence is a man. Men are silenced from speaking out about violence perpetrated against them by a close female partner or family member. Academia has turned a blind eye to this social reality in the name of advancing the ideology of liberalism - that morality is relative, and that those who are of 'dominant' groups (whatever that means) are always to blame. This idea itself is corrupt. Welcome to decadent Australia.

I strongly recommend you check out this link. http://www.unimondo.org/Notizie/Australia.-Quando-la-vittima-porta-i-pantaloni-143151. The author, Daniela Bandelli is an Italian journalist who specialises in social issues and is conducting a PhD on gender violence discourses. 

Daniela blogs at http://danielabandelli.wordpress.com.
Her LinkedIn profile can be found at : http://au.linkedin.com/pub/daniela-bandelli/7/b46/558.

Monday 28 October 2013

Typical Australian-style hypocrisy

Female doctors accuse pro-life doctor Mark Hobart of anti-abortion campaign after he refused a couple an abortion on the grounds that is was the killing of  a (baby) human as all abortions are. These doctors were saying that there were against sex-selective abortion, only on the grounds of gender. However, if it was not, it would be justifiable because it is a "choice" and the "right" to "control" one's body. A baby is not part of the mother's body. It has its own body.  Nothing to it. The views of those doctors if they were aborted themselves, would be completely different - in fact, quite the opposite. Abortion is murder. Yet, doctors claim it is need to save a life, but it does not take away the fact that it is the killing of a person. The hypocrisy of doctors who have these views smells of rotting stench. One could reasonably suspect that these feminist doctors would support the abortion of a boy for being a boy, but not a girl for being a girl. That is what feminism is.

Abortion is wrong for being what it is. Discrimination is also wrong, but not the reason why abortion is wrong in itself.

Top 10 Most Annoying phrases

There are many annoying phrases in the Australian language. These phrases are a manifestation of liberalism and individualism which stench is that of rotting carcass:

  1. I can do whatever I want
  2. Are you going to the [name of bar, hotel] to get drunk?
  3. Did you slap him/her?
  4. Who did you get with?
  5. I had a great one night stand
  6. I want pay rise [but I don't want to work  harder]
  7. I should get whatever I want
  8. I demand the right to do whatever I want
  9. I can say whatever I want
  10. I can go whatever I want [and I get angry when people inquire because it is offensive]
Yet, people who use these phrases get angry when people who they deem to be "others" use them. How hypocritical!

Sunday 27 October 2013

Stop Political Correctness Facebook Page Slogan

Modern universities are a propaganda tool for liberalism. Anyone who holds alternative beliefs is considered a bigot. How open-minded are the liberals.

And in Chinese for the fun of it:


Saturday 26 October 2013

Boredom and the Rise of Useless Organisations

Many people in the modern democracies work in jobs that they secretly believe are useless. This is possibly owing to the rise of the free tertiary education which has opened up the availability of degrees to do not provide one with technical skills which are required in any context such as art history and gender studies (yuck). These people probably find that they cannot capitalise their degree and take up useless jobs. As such, to give themselves a job, these people often get involved in useless social activism that is of no value because what they campaign about it rubbish. One could reasonably suspect that it is because many political and social issues in Australia deemed worthy of talking are just debated to be trendy or to show how many "rights" one has, by asking for more "rights".

Examples of useless organisations, websites, jobs, groups or people:

  • Rights campaigners for the progressive social agenda
  • People who scream "discrimination" because they didn't get a job they want
  • www.mamamia.com.au - check it out to see how manipulative the writers are
  • Journalists who "explore" the asylum seeker debate, "misogyny" of Australian politics
  • Stupid gender quotas
  • Breast enlargements and people who ask for them
  • Models
  • Beauty pageants
  • Social commentators who talk about the fashion industry and celebrity life
These things all have one thing in common. The core of it is MATERIALISM. These things (or people) are useless who do nothing better but spend time thinking about how little they have, when they really have the resources to do such things. No wonder the Australian economy is backwards and Australia is really the laughing stock of the world. How do I know? I know the way people from non-Western countries talk about Australia. They point out how sick the culture is. Yet Australians praise themselves and say that others are merely envious, or do not understand what "rights" are. I can tell you, in countries, such as Asia, where people do not fight for rights, society is very stable and productive. 

Friday 25 October 2013

Facebook and pornography

"The people of your generation [Generation Y] live of Facebook and pornography." - older person

This is very true.  This explains why many people of Generation Y are not motivated to study.

Thursday 24 October 2013

New blog features

Hi Dear Readers

You may have noticed some changes, that the text has been made narrower and the width of the right side bar has increased. This has been done to enhance your viewing. There is also a contact form down the bottom of the page. If you want to contact Good Writing and Fun, I would love to hear from you! Tell GWF how to improve the blog or some topics you would like discussed.

Love Always

Good Writing and Fun


Tuesday 22 October 2013

Characteristics of the Typical Australian University Student

There are several identifiable characteristics of the typical Australian university student. Most of them are influenced by their parents, as children are influenced by parents. Owing to the rise of the welfare state, and the very concept of liberalism, the country has produced a generation of degenerate, perverse people. These characteristics are:
  1. Sense of self-entitlement - thinks that one deserves to be not only complemented, but treated as smart, attractive or worthy of respect, even when one is not.
  2. Self-obsession 
  3. Intoxicated without shame 24/7 such that their brains cannot function
  4. Fornicators without shame, only to feel used, and yet blame others. 
  5. Aggressive, but call it "assertive" because one should get what one wants
  6. Racist towards ethnic minorities - refers to "Asian sluts" explicitly while most of them themselves do not behave in a better way, assumes that Indigenous people are all drunk, excludes Indigenous people and people of other ethnic minorities from the equality equation, 
  7. Always talking about getting smashed
  8. Dressing up inappropriately
  9. Violent - two policewomen were telling of friend of mine that women are more violent then men. Many girls think it is a "right" to beat up their boyfriends. How do I know? I can see by the very way they speak to them and about it. It tells it all. 
  10. Sense of superiority over international students - because they are racist
  11. Critical attitude towards people of the stronger non-Western countries about their internal problems, out of pure hypocrisy. Seriously, Australia has no problems? This is truly OFFENSIVE. 
  12. Sympathetic towards those "others" who are weak, but find it an eyesore when those who are weak become strong. Hence, the general dislike of East Asians, but a pretentious sympathy towards Central Asians.
  13. Stereotypical attitudes towards people of non-Western cultures. - Majority of Australians treat the Asians, Africans, and Middle Easterners as all the same respectively. Some even lump together all the non-Western cultures as a bunch of machos, who don't believe in equality and fairness, and who disrespect minorities. 
  14. Class warfare - hatred of those who earn more and assuming that those who earn more are thieves, when most of the haters do not get off their bottom to work harder. These haters are self-entitled people who think that they should earn more, even when they do not work as hard. Hence, a general dislike or hatred of East Asians who they think to be more hard-working than them.

Sunday 20 October 2013

The Ugly Face of Liberalism

Liberalism may seem to be tolerant. Not so. It blames dominant strong groups for the problems faced by the weaker minority groups. That's why it supports more government control - a government that can teach the dominant groups a "lesson" to share their wealth, while the privileged minorities get away with everything. Minorities in the modern Western world get away with everything from paedophilia, custody disputes, drunken crimes and tax evasion. Read the news if you don't believe me. The High Court has decided to take into account Aboriginality as a factor for the sentencing of a crime. How ridiculous is that - to take into race, no matter what race as a factor for the sentencing of a crime (before you call me a racist). Here's some good news though: A female paedophile will be jailed for what she DID.

Liberals are really just jealous of those who are stronger than them, and feel sympathy for weaker groups out of their own pride. In the words of Karl Marx, liberals are useful idiots. They can be used by anyone. That is why so many naive young uni students, political and apolitical, are liberals. It is because they are selfish, naive and not willing to accept reality.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Liberal Universities Exposed

A dialogue between a non-liberal and a liberal about universities shutting down the views of anti-liberals and liberals thinking that they are right while alternative views are wrong. Liberals are the most likely group to say to others about their political views that they are "wrong" as though politics is objective.

Check out: Liberal Universities explained

If you haven't already join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stoppc/

Thursday 17 October 2013

10 things uni students really need to learn

There are so many things that uni students of Generation Y need to learn. They are:

  1. Conflicts between different countries, cultures, subcultures are not as simple as a mere matter of oppression
  2. If someone has an indecent, or an aggressive demeanour, chances are that the person is an aggressive, abusive person
  3. People of minority groups are not necessarily marginalised. In fact, many of them are put on the pedestal only because they are valued "minorities".
  4. Pointing out differences between different groups is not discrimination. As soon as people do this, university liberals scream blue murder.
  5. Siding minorities is dangerous. No longer is there any justice when this happens. This is the state of modern Australia. 
  6. Targeting a particular group for their behaviour is may or may not be discrimination when it is true. This technique has been used by radical academics to legitimise hate against certain groups. However, when you target such people for their actions, they yell out "discrimination" as though only you are capable of discriminating, while they are not.
  7. People who appear to only target particular groups for the behaviour are often very concerned about people who hate political correctness. This is because they want to control the society. They hate free speech because they think they are right, only to find out that they face opposition.
  8. Know the organisations or political movements that your colleagues are part of. If they are from liberal collectives, beware of what they say when they talk about politics. If they seem very sweet and decent, be even more careful of them. Chances are that they are an enemy of truth and free speech.
  9. It is not a matter of being left wing or right wing, it is matter of doing the right thing. Being left or right wing does not determine whether one is doing the right thing. 
  10. People who claim to be tolerant are not as tolerant as they really are. They are usually people who tell others to put up with their (disgusting) behaviour, but say that everyone should be tolerated, except for those who criticise them - usually people who believe in moral absolutes.
This is only an short list. I could go on to list more things. Seriously, most of the Generation Y uni students are so immature, childish, self-centred and unaware of cultural and moral decline. Most of them are also very perverse and immoral. No offence. This is the truth. 

Quotes from non-famous uni students

"These university liberals need a good dose of conservatism."

"It is always a matter of something else" - in response to a "it is not a matter of X, it is a matter of Y" statement

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Bigoted feminists (wait, I can't say that because they are WASP females)

A good friend of mine asked me why is it that I dislike feminism so much. Why? Because feminism is the ideology that women should have more privileges and power than men.

What is the evidence? Where is it? It is found in the media interviews and reports with the typical Australian female, that is, a WASP (White, Angry, Superior Proud Of It) feminist.

The sex discrimination commission of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Elizabeth Broderick once answered in reply to a question as to why she supported gender quotas, is "why should men control the supermarkets when there are women do the shopping?" One could ask her, why should women be control the hospitals when there are men who go to hospitals. Leigh Sales once said in an interview "I must ask myself would Kerry [O'Brien] have been asked to pose in a photography with his children". Sales does not realise that the reason why attention has been focused on (Western, not non-Western) women is that they make up the majority of the media.

But wait, I can't say that, even as a woman myself because they are Australian (read: Western) females, not men or women of ethnic minorities.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Stupid feminist quote No 2

I haven't the faintest notion what possible revolutionary role white hetero-sexual men could fulfill, since they are the very embodiment of reactionary-vested-interest-power. But then, I have great difficulty examining what men in general could possibly do about all this. In addition to doing the sh*twork that women have been doing for generations, possibly not exist? No, I really don't mean that. Yes, I really do. - Robin Morgan

Robin, many revolutionaries who reformed a country are European men, such a Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky. They reformed the country because it was warranted. Women have supported their families and this is job that should not be looked down upon. It is one that should be respected because it is required to build a community. No person is an island. In other words, no one can be independent of others. You only want attention and power over others. To gain such power, you put down people who are different from you. How open-minded and tolerant are you.

Friday 11 October 2013

Politically Incorrect Guide To

Regnery Publishing Inc. has published a series of politically incorrect guides to many topics such as Literature, The South and the Civil War. They uncover what no one dares to say.

Be sure to check them out: http://www.regnery.com/imprint/politically-incorrect-guides/

Thursday 10 October 2013

Exposing feminism even more (1)

Many people of all sides of politics, and a whole range of beliefs have awoken to what feminism really it. Feminism is the one who seems innocent, but is really the serpent under.

Stupid quote 1:

I feel that 'man-hating' is an honourable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them. - Robin Morgan

Robin, hating others is stupid because the person being hated will learn not to care, and so you will only endup making yourself bitter. Oppression is to take away another person's inherent dignity, dignity one has by virtue of one's birth. You had a very full-on career. If you were oppressed, you would be not able to have such a career. You would not be able to live the way you do. If you were oppressed, you would be beaten and no one would listen to what you say, except for those who want to seek their own political gain. That is how the world works. No one cares about the oppressed, including people of the same group who are not oppressed. I don't know your personal life and your experiences with men, but your credibility is absolutely questionable, to say the least.

Robin, this is a stupid statement. If one wants to be treated with dignity, one must treat others with dignity first. You think no one can see through your intention, but it is clear. You just hate men. That's it.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Freedom's Curse

When people have no freedom but fully under shackles, they idolise those who do.
When people are given even the least bit of freedom, they abuse it and ask for more.
When people have too much freedom, only the people who are oppressed by the people with too much freedom will realise the curse of freedom.
True freedom has its limits.
She prevents people from taking away the dignity of others
But supports the works of those who attempt to serve others.

Australia is a country with too much freedom. Way to much such that people who are violent towards international students, in particular, Indian students are excused. People who have such views are the true racists. They make up a majority of the population. People who speak out against too much freedom are immediately dubbed "communists" because lack of freedom is associated with communism, especially Chinese communism. To make things, worse, Chinese people are stereotyped as communists and assumed to be communist when expressing one's views about the need to constrain civil liberties (whatever it is) and human rights (whatever it is). Chinese people are thought to be backwards, and uncivilised, by many in the West, simply because the West thinks it is superior.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Running Away (2)

She was sent to a detention centre by authorities. She was a woman who only knew who to care for her own cosmetics, and even did not mind starving to death. She was pregnant and bawled at the other women whenever they did not ask her if she was fine. As if she did it herself.

After 2 weeks in the detention centre, the authorities notified her that they did not approve her application. She had thrown her documents of the boat when coming to the land of milk and honey. The authorities had contacted with authorities of her home country. They had informed them that these group of boat people were mostly former prisoners of felony.

They had come to the new land to defy the law. They were a lawless bunch of self-entitled prisoners who were experts at playing victim. It was found that they salvaged their own boat on purpose on the way to the new land, leaving 187 people dead. Yet, the authorities made it their responsibility to check for missing bodies, as though it was their problem, their fault. If only they were not so naive.

Note: This is a fictional story. The characters are not based on real people.

Friday 4 October 2013

Running Away

She fled from her home to come to a land of milk and honey by boat. For 40 days and 40 nights, she starved and starved. She always said to herself "why can't I have want others have?" She craved for more. She fought for more "freedom" and yet feared the government who wanted to crack down on troublemakers like her.

She finally arrived on the shores of the land of milk and honey. Only to ask for botox and, of all things, breast enlargements. The next thing she will ask for is fake breasts. Just to look pretty. Anyone who criticises her is deemed a racist because she is an asylum seeker depite her sense of self-entitlement.

Note: This is not written as a true story. The character is fictional although it is based on a true story.

Thursday 3 October 2013

The Precious Value of Life

Imagine that there is a mountain of dead, dying bodies that are literally stripped to the bone with the eyes almost popping out. Some are still alive, but most are breathing their last breath. You have been forced to sit to the bulldozer. If you don't bulldoze the stack of bodies, you will be shot to death by the soldiers. If you do, thousands of people will die at your hands. What would you do?

Frankly, as much as I fear it, I think I would rather be shot to death as much I would not want it. I I admit, it would take great courage to do so - to pay in blood to serve justice. Life is valuable and precious. All life is equal, and to sacrifice's one life to serve justice is the greatest service one can give to others. 

Sadly, humans have invented machines that are enable people to end one's life. Sacrificing one's life to serve justice is different from choosing to take one's own life simply because one wants to. To kill oneself is to devalue human life, not merely one's life but human life as a whole. By killing oneself, one is treating life as something that has no value. Sadly, this has happened in countries which have legalised euthanasia. 

Human life is treated as disposable. Every human has a purpose in life to use one's life to serve others, but sadly, some people do not see this. 

Tuesday 1 October 2013

The Origins of Political Correctness

There is a hard ideological difference between the so-called left and right wings. The left uses political correctness to get its agenda across. The right uses a case-by-case approach when it comes to making policies. Its policies are not based on any social victimisation theory, social "equality" theory or social "justice" theory. The origins of political correctness came from World War I when Marx predicted that all the workers of the world would unite and destroy capitalism - to get rid of all oppression. Marxism was divorced from economic theory, and become married to culture, hence the birth of cultural Marxism. Critical theories in all areas such as feminism, queer theory and postmodernism flowed from cultural Marxism - the need to help the oppressed. However, whether these critical theories are really about helping the oppressed or just pretending to be oppressed is a different matter. Marxism has been abused by certain minorities to yell out "victim" and blame the dominant groups.

I recommend you check out the link below. It explains the origins of political correctness in depth.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrt6msZmU7Y

Monday 30 September 2013

Loony Libertarians

'Libertarian' senator wants gun liberalisation on the grounds that it would allow victims of violence to protect themselves. That may be true, but it would allow perpetrators to do more harm to others. Anyone who wants guns to be available is loony. I kid you not. Maybe, it is a political stunt to justify any radical movements.

Check this out:

Sunday 29 September 2013

Sociology: The Indoctrination Machine

The Chairman of China, Xi Jin Ping once said that, to foreigners, there is not one China, but a thousand different slices of China.  What a profound phrase! There are indeed many ways to look at society. One sees society through one's lens which has been shaped by one's values and beliefs.

Sociology is the study of society. Hence, in sociology, one of the subjects which I have studied, social theories are taught. There are many ways to look at society, and this is no cliche. Sometimes, what others interpret as a lack of something, may not be seen as an issue by another because the latter believes the lack is not a lack at all.

 For example, people in Asia do not talk about rights. Instead, these people talk about communalistic obligations. People in the West may see this a dangerous because it leads to entrenched discrimination because people are not able to fight for what they see as rights. However, people from communalistic societies could argue that  allowing people to fight for rights leads to unacceptable selfish behaviour and does not stop discrimination. Different social groups have a different framework of thinking, and hence a different social structure.

Sociology courses in Western universities are based on humanistic, rights-based framework. It is not an objective ideology that all must submit to, but a subjective one. It is a perspective. The dangerous thing about sociology courses is that lecturers are in a position to indoctrinate students with ideologies that are dangerous - ones that incite hatred against certain groups who are against the liberal regime, in the guise of tolerance. Tolerance, in which one must support certain minorities and hate those who are against them. This is the hidden agenda that infiltrates modern universities - the intolerance of tolerance.

Saturday 28 September 2013

The Attitudes of the Conservatives v Liberals

There is a difference in attitude between the people on each side of politics. No side of politics are the same in the strict sense. The only similarity is that they all have an agenda. What the agenda serves is a different matter. The two images below are examples of how the ideology of both the conservatives and liberals can be compared. Although they are generalisations, they may contain some elements of truth.


Friday 27 September 2013

The Perverse Progressives

Majority of people I have dealt with are perverse progressives whatever "progressive" means. Progressive seems to mean that one is very open-mined and liberal. This often means that is order for one to be progressive, one must forget the traditional values, that is family and community values and ensure that everyone complies with the new set that seeks to liberate people. This liberation is seen as good by many as it seems to mean that they are free to believe as they please, free to think as they please and free to say as they please. Majority of people think that it is the most liberating ideology which will create a harmonious, civilised and peaceful society. This is the stupidest and most perverse philosophy, no offence.

What is even more sad is that many people think it is perfectly normal. If one does as one pleases whenever one pleases and however one pleased, there will be people whose dignity is interfered with. This subverts the principle of equality that most people swear by. Yet, the majority thinks it is a good philosophy because it is "tolerant" and "open-minded". One does not need to be a conservative philosopher to see that is a a foolish, perverse philosophy. This is the disgusting core of liberalism.

Liberals (with a small 'l') think that conservatives are very narrow-minded, backwards, naive and foolish to believe that there must be a set of rules that society should live by, in terms of do's and don'ts. However, liberals themselves have a principle too - that one must not criticise others for their actions or beliefs because it is their beliefs and actions, such that no one should be criticised except those who opposes them, that is, the people against moral relativism. The liberals are really not as "open-minded" as they really are.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Marxist Indocrination

Marxism treats the government as the supreme body, as though it is some divine figure. The government that is. I don't know what you think but the government is made up flawed human beings, human like those who it governs. Therefore, it unreasonable to treat the government as a divine figure.Marxism on campus to make people believe that one must trust the government. However, Marxism, despite its good intention to make everyone equal, has failed to gain the trust of the people. In fact, it has made people distrust government more than any other form of government has.

Note: Be sure to check out the link in blue above and join https://www.facebook.com/groups/stoppc  for information about political correctness. Despite its name, Stop Political Correctness is a group which seeks to discuss whether PC is needed in society. It does not stop people from expressing views different from that which the members hold.

Monday 23 September 2013

Indoctrination, Indoctrination, Indoctrination

Every word with huge implications gets discussed intensively as to the meaning of the word in the postmodern age. This includes the word 'indoctrination'. Indoctrination is the impounding of ideologies or beliefs into one, without place for questioning what is being taught. That is real indoctrination. Modern universities are largely tools of indoctrination. Many people do not even realise this because they do not even know what they believe in, what they don't and, most importantly, why.

Sunday 22 September 2013

"You impose your views on me, but I don't impose mine on you", says the liberal

Modern universities are a propaganda tool for liberalism. Anyone who dares to even hold personal values or beliefs that are against liberal beliefs is deemed a bigot without question. The young university liberals think they are so inherently open-minded because they are progressive, liberal and, above all, anti-conservative. Most of those who do not get involved in politics or have a concern, the apolitical -  have liberal leanings: they believe that, if nothing else, one should not be a conservative. One should attack conservatives, never liberals even if the liberals are outrageous and act in a bullying manner.

The liberals say, "it's fine if conservatives have their views, but they should not impose it on others. They are the ones responsible for doing so, not the liberals." They say legislating with respect to (conservative) personal beliefs constitutes to imposing one's views on others. However, legislating with respect to liberal values is not imposing views on others? Do liberals not have personal beliefs? Regarding legislation, the values of some ideology, irrespective of what it is will ultimately underlie the law. That is the nature of policy. There is no policy that 100% of people are satisfied with, and you what? That's life. 

The liberals, of course, say that it does not impose views of others when its values are legislated with respect to because they provide "open choices" for all. But, there is a catch in this. What one may appear to be open choice is not always that - a choice. 

Saturday 21 September 2013

The Intolerance of Tolerance

These days, everyone, especially the anti-conservatives who are proud of the perception of themselves as open-minded, progressive, good citizens enforces the rule that one must be tolerant. What does this mean? One must accept with others say and believe, regardless of what it is. The truth, is that one cannot accept all ideologies, beliefs and values as some contradict. People who believe in a universal, objective truth are harshly criticised by the majority for being intolerant on postmodernist terms.

Postmodernists claim to be very open-minded, but they are against anyone who claims there is a universal, objective truth. How can this be "tolerant", for it is also against something - absolutism. This inconsistency reveals the hypocrisy of those who scream blue murder when someone believes in an absolute truth, but yet support those who attempt to impose their relativistic views on others.

It is true that some absolutists are hypocritical. That that of relativists of worse, as they pretend to be believe in no truths, but act as though this is the truth - their version of the truth.

Friday 20 September 2013

The Hidden Face of Racism

There is a clear distinction between immigrants, former immigrants and the children of immigrants from non-Western countries, and those who of the dominant ethnic group in Australia. This distinction is imposed by society. 

Many Australians are extremely ignorant of non-Westerners in terms of their behavior, thinking, culture and lifestyle. They make the most ridiculous assumptions about non-Westerners. 

Asians are assumed to be all the same - hardworking, but insular and negative about others, and not to be trusted because they are too capable
Middle Easterners are assumed to be all the same - Muslim, and insular and narrow-minded, but to be admired for any outstanding achievements because they thought to be are not as capable in the work force.
Africans are assumed to be all the same - refugees, umemployed, of a lower mentaliy and responsible for crime
Aborigines are assumed to be all the same - drunkards, violent, and incapable of finding work 

This is the truth about racism, in its latent, hidden form, in Australia.

What happens to money in a welfare state

What happens to money in a welfare state? Very simply. Government collects tax from  the working class and the business class. It then gives money to groups like:

  • Prisoner' legal services;
  • Unemployed people, some of whom are in desperate need of financial assistance;
  • Refugee' legal services; and of course,
  • Mothers, even if they are very rich, because only their contribution to the society counts. That of others do not. 
It forgets about:
  • The elderly
  • Single fathers
  • Immigrants who work
  • Indigenous people

Tuesday 17 September 2013

PC : The Friend of the Radical Social Engineers

PC enables radicals to twist the truth, and indoctrinate the masses with false assumptions, such as the assumption that only women are victims of violence, and always the victims, and that men are always the perpetrators. This leads to unjust policy making. Injustice leads to the destruction of society, hurt, despair, brokenness. To those who still support PC, brace yourself for the times of despair and suffering to come. I dare you to brace yourself.

Sunday 15 September 2013

What a University Education Should Be

The purpose of encouraging people to undergo university education should not be to merely get some qualifications, on top of enjoying leisure. It should be about developing character and understanding more about the society, culture and values. It is not a means to an end, but an means to another mean. Education is a life long process indeed. 

Many modern universities are infiltrated by liberal thinking academics who attempt to indoctrinate naive, uncritical thinking university students, who make up the majority, by teaching certain philosophies are rational, fundamental or objective. Some stop students who have alternative views, that is, conservative views from speaking out by using fear tactics in classrooms. 

Such students are increasingly seen as "racist", "sexist", "homophobic" or "illogical" because conservatives make up a minority - sometimes a minority of one. Conservatives have what many see as outdated, irrelevant or redundant ideologies which deserve to be punished. In addition to this, the student body in charge of providing services to students can use their position to silence alternative voices, while claiming that they speak for all, simply because politically incorrect alternative views have no place in a liberal university.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Radical Feminism in Australia

Check out this article about radical feminism in Australia:


Why Political Correctness must be Stopped

PC allows people to take advantage of the flawed ideas of mainstream society and influence the way people think and ultimately act. A flawed idea is a dangerous idea as it leads people away from Truth. When people are lead away from Truth, they behave in ways they should not. Clearly, a postmodernist would not see PC as an issue as he does not believe in Truth.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Beast

Its seed has been sown since the 1st century. It has been breathing inside its packet from the 5th century to the 16th century when Europe had a Papal ban on debt. The Church failed to prevent debt during the 16th century owing to conflicts within it. The 16th century gave birth to the modern state. So what is debt? Among other things, the modern state is responsible for its accumulation of debt.

Debt is property owed to others. It is essentially the taking of something owned by someone, to make it one's own. Hence, unpaid debt is the equivalent to stealing, justified on the pretext of the need to acquire more. Greed. People borrow from others, and charging it with an interest is to take advantage of someone else's greed.

Debt, thy name is Mammon. Mammon is the spirit of greed, the want to own more for oneself. Global debt has accumulated as the ugly Beast of Mammon rears its ugly head.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Stop Political Correctness

There are many sickening double standards in society, but some of them can't even be spoken about. Others are considered legitimate. Political correctness is a way of enforcing whose rights are privileged and whose rights don't exist. The PC police often sides with minorities because it makes them look benevolent, when they are, in fact, cunning and devious. As long as PC is allowed the thrive, such entrenched, often minoritarian, double standards will triumph. It spells the death of community and wages more culture wars and division. 

Saturday 7 September 2013

PC equation

PC = freedom of speech for some, restriction of speech for those against the ones who enforce PC
PC has become not only a law, but a set of beliefs to adhere to for the sake of what the PC police say

Thursday 5 September 2013

Freedom of Political Communication

Freedom of political communication is defined by the progressives. If freedom of political communication is truly free, it is not defined by any particular group, but by each individual. Why should the progressives tell us all what to say and what not to? It is ironic how it is offensive to criticise the progressives, but noble to criticise those against its agenda.

Welcome to the world with the progressives dictate what we can say.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Letter to Rights Groups

To the Rights Groups

You are always talking about "rights", saying that the rights of what you call minorities are not respected. You tend to put these groups into discrete categories to the exclusion of all others - women, homosexuals, refugees and certain ethic minorities (but not all ethnic minorities). You are always trying to lecture us about equality and fairness.

If person of a "marginalised" group such as an ethic minority, woman, refugee or a homosexual commits a kills a person who is of a dominant  (redundant and outdated) group, it deserves to be treated with leniency. If a person of a dominant group even dares to think that a person of a "marginalised" group is untrustworthy, you would immediately demand that person by ostracised by society. You may say, it is not as though we demand that they be executed, but really, thinking someone is untrustworthy is not wrong in itself. You make it that only you can say that dominant groups are untrustworthy simply because you cannot accept their strength, rather than dominance.

You use the term dominance erroneously as many of those people of marginalised groups are very successful. You use it to psychologically induce people to accept your lies about victimhood.

You are not a decent bunch. You do not genuinely care about people - you are only after your own cunning self-interests to control those who you are jealous of.

The Centrists and Communalists

PS: We are the ones who you call "conservative".

Go away communists

Dislike of communists in modern, progressive Australia stems from the idea that communists are backwards, regressive, irrelevant and hence redundant.

It is funny how some progressives in Australia feel extremely offended when you call them a communist - because they claim to fight for equality, just like the communist ideal. Seems that progressives in Australia are not communists.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Letter from Rights Groups

To everyone, in particular the dominant groups

Rights are entitlements that all people should be able to enjoy. Owing to the many injustices in this world, the rights to many people are eroded and it is always minorities who suffer. Minorities are people whose rights are neglected. Since about 99% of people do not care about the rights of others, we need to take radical action.

We need to take away the rights of dominant groups, because dominant groups oppress us. They are the ones who are evil and are always to be blames. It is true some of us are strongly disliked by dominant alpha groups, but how can we be evil? We support minorities for the good of humanity. People should not look down on us, they should look down on those who hate us. However, if we hate others, it is because we have a legitimate right to.

We claim rights to protect others. We are entitled to more rights than others because we are disadvantaged. The suffering we face is because of dominant groups. Who are these dominant groups? Men, straight people, people from rich, and increasingly strong non-Western countries or people of these cultures. These people are the ones who have no right to existence because we the minorities say so. What we the minorities say should not be questioned. We are not trying to control and silence others - we are trying to gain our needs.

In minoritarian solidarity

A Rights Group

PS: We are a minoritarian group that supports the rights of minorities.

Friday 30 August 2013

Letter by An Anarchist

Dear Radical Progressive

The term 'politics' is used by the radical progressives to label groups with views that conflict their views. The conservatives also do the same. Who is right? Who is wrong? One cannot tell what is 'political' and what is not simply by reacting to such debates based on emotion, sympathy and tuning in the the hype, or following popular opinion.

Politics, in the true sense of the term, is about getting what one wants. Therefore, all humans are inherently political. However, getting what one wants to see is not necessarily bad. Seeking to do good for others is not a bad motive. Unfortunately, politics in modern Australia is almost, if not always about seeking to serve a cunning, devious agenda based on lies.

Thus, it is understandable that people do not trust what you say, and that people think you are crazy or mentally ill. You turn black into white, white into black. You spread rumours through manipulating cold, hard statistics which undermine your sinister, disgusting agenda. You brainwash people into think you are a victim, when you are in fact, a militant aggressor. You are like a watermelon - green on the outside, red on the inside.

You should be ashamed of accusing the conservatives of being hypocritical when they express their sincere opinion about your views on community, family and marriage - the key institutions which build society. You say your agenda will be good for the community as a whole, and have admitted you are only seeking to satisfy your own selfish interests. You know your "logical" social framework will not work. You understand it only lead to destruction. Yet you say you want to serve the community.

Your hypocrisy is appalling. I have no sympathy for your cries for help. You do not deserve sympathy.

Hope you realise that the best political system is no political system.


An Anarchist

Thursday 29 August 2013

Great Quotes from the Dear Readers of Good Writing

Hi Friends

I have some great quotes made by from some of the readers of Good Writing in real-life scenarios:

"The only political system is no political system."

[Referring to a politician] "He's like Kevin Rudd. He's everything [that people want to hear] to everybody."

Wednesday 21 August 2013

The Law is No Silver Bullet for Social Stability

Some others argue that the law should be based on rights to ensure social stability. Social stability concerns whether people are more likely to engage in antisocial behaviour that harms others. Provided people do not harm others in the positive sense, there is no be no legal reproach towards the one who does not interfere with the action of others. Interfering with the actions of others is to act in a way that discourages or stops the actions of others. This idea is the core of Asian thinking. Asian countries do not tend to interfere with the internal affairs of other countries on the grounds that there is a perceived need to help those other countries.

However, the law can be seen as merely a set of rules drafted by the government. Whether these laws are followed and accepted by the society subject to the law is another matter. Whether people follow the law determines whether the law operates as a framework for society to work. Enforcement is practised to ensure that people comply with the law, however, enforcement alone does not make people follow the law. Whether the law serves as a social framework is inherently dependent on whether they are accepted. In some cultures, the law is regarded as something that exists for political reasons rather than to protect the needs of people. This is especially true in authoritarian states, but is also true in liberal democracies.

The law is indeed limited in its ability to control the way people behave. It does not matter how tough the laws of a country is. If people do not see that they are to be followed, and  choose not to follow them, social stability is not maintained. However, without laws, social stability would be worse. The concept of rights is what justifies the need for laws to protect human dignity.

Academia in modern universities treats the law as though it is the silver bullet for protecting human dignity. However, it is not.

Saturday 17 August 2013

The Concept of Rights and Happiness

It is a well accepted idea in these days that there is no such thing as an absolute right and wrong. In fact, anyone who dares to make such a statement is labelled as proud, arrogant, hypocritical, or negative. With regards to negativity, it is not a matter of whether a statement implies something and explicitly makes a negative comment. I dare ask the postmodernist, if you think there is no right or wrong, what is "negative" with respect to ethics and morality? We are so inculcated with the idea of no absolutes and that everything is not only open for interpretation, it is as one interprets. This is the core of postmodernism. 

Many argue that the concept of rights is not a matter of morality, it is about achieving human happiness. Human happiness is all we need, we have been taught, and it all seems to make sense. Whenever we lose happiness, all we think is how do we regain it. Many of us devote our lives to buying happiness, beauty, love, health, power and influence. Do these things really make us content with who we are? Do they? I urge anyone to challenge me for saying that we can chase after these things, only to lose them. 

The question that remains is whether helping people, or even emancipating the rights of the marginalised bring happiness.  Sometimes, we can have so much freedom and yet be unhappy. Having such freedom or even protection of human dignity may lead to happiness, but such a framework is not enough to justify why the law should care for the rights of others. 

Friday 16 August 2013

Everything's a matter of interpretation (except when it offends me)

These days in the West, everything is a matter of interpretation. Words have no meaning, and a construct. In our modern individualist society, where the individual is paramount, words have a meaning that depends on what the individual says. It is now up to the individual to define words on one's terms. This many sound very egalitarian and communalistic by not imposing on people any code of conduct regarding the use of words. However, this has lead to the battle of opposing groups to decide what is offensive and what is not.

This era of postmodernism has lead to the cloud of repression which seeks to control the thoughts and expression of people. People can longer express their opinion about certain things because their opinion is deemed "offensive" in itself. The cloud of repression empowers the political correctness police made up of certain identifiable categories of ideologues to impose their views of others such that anything who do not conform is ostracised. Political correctness has now dominated our thinking. The PC police is getting stronger and recruiting more unsuspecting people into a trap - a freedom trap which twists the definition of freedom and liberty.

Tony Abbott has been a casualty of the PC war. He was lambasted by the media for saying a female colleague has sex appeal, but a woman would not have been lambasted if she said the same of a man. These days, a feminist woman can say anything, but her enemies (conservative women and men) can't because their views are "irrelevant" and "outdated". This is because the feminists are now deemed to be ones that can dictate who says what, among other progressive radical groups. The hypocrisy of the PC police wreaks of the most repugnant stench.

The adoption of PC starts at university where students must follow the politically correct norm with the pretext that it is the way in live in society. Students and lecturers who criticise certain groups from a "conservative" perspective are silenced because no university wants to look naive and conservative. It is in the best interests of every university to look enlightened. Progressiveness is the new Enlightenment.

Indeed, the silencing of the truth cannot be changed by a single individual, but it can change when the ignorant masses realise what type of society we live in - one that oppresses what is true and fights for all perversion.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Social Progressivism is about Only helping Minorities

It seems that helping only minorities (what is a minority in the first place?) is the only acceptable form of humanitarianism. Any suggestion that helping the dominant is not only laughable but wrong, and supportive of the redundant, archaic conservative "capitalist", "imperialist" agenda. The progressive radicals think attempt to make people feel sympathetic towards these privileged minorities and nothing but anger and hatred towards the oppressed dominant.

'Oppressed dominance' is not an oxymoron. It is the oppression of the dominant groups that they cannot complain or even speak of their ill-treatment. These is the oppression. The privilege of the minorities is that they can use their identity to cry victim. Anyone who even suggests that they are not so innocent, or not innocent at all, for that matter is ostracised the progressives.

It seems that the progressives scream blue murder as soon as people attempt to critique them. It is only ironic that they don't realise that they can be the most extremist, bigoted and hypocritical bunch of all.

The sad thing is that this idea that the minorities cannot never be privileged and that he dominant can never be oppressed is what drives university education.

University is the breeding ground for the Ghosts of Minoritarianism. These ghosts ran rampant where the university graduates go to work in - everywhere.

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