Saturday 5 October 2013

Running Away (2)

She was sent to a detention centre by authorities. She was a woman who only knew who to care for her own cosmetics, and even did not mind starving to death. She was pregnant and bawled at the other women whenever they did not ask her if she was fine. As if she did it herself.

After 2 weeks in the detention centre, the authorities notified her that they did not approve her application. She had thrown her documents of the boat when coming to the land of milk and honey. The authorities had contacted with authorities of her home country. They had informed them that these group of boat people were mostly former prisoners of felony.

They had come to the new land to defy the law. They were a lawless bunch of self-entitled prisoners who were experts at playing victim. It was found that they salvaged their own boat on purpose on the way to the new land, leaving 187 people dead. Yet, the authorities made it their responsibility to check for missing bodies, as though it was their problem, their fault. If only they were not so naive.

Note: This is a fictional story. The characters are not based on real people.

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