Wednesday 4 December 2013

Nasty, Hypocritical Pretentious Journalists - Typical (small 'l') liberals

Again, Leigh Sales engages in the ABC liberal-style advocacy journalism which hypocritically stands up for minorities, in this case, refugees. This is not to say she is the only journalist who does so, and so it would be unfair to say she is the only person who does so. However, she is the classic example of an advocacy journalist. Her interview with Immigration Minister Scott Morrison involved asking questions based on the assumption that her opinions are facts or, even worse, truth. She starts of with a leading question about the way 'asylum seekers' were treated, such that there is no way the interviewee can argue against her (superficial?) opinion without looking like he does not understand the question. When he tries to put forward his case, she cuts him off.

Sales, like many liberals, is like a growing child who assumes that anyone who disagrees with her, or tries to build a case against her is bad, evil or not to be trusted. Many liberals, one could suspect, feel sympathy for people who are deviant, or engage in illegal activity because they themselves are perhaps not strong enough or moral enough to follow the law where the law is morally and ethically sound.

People identify with people who have one thing in common with them and have no capacity to attack (having grounds to criticise) them tend to feel sympathy for them, or even think that the bad behaviour of people similar to them is justifiable. On the other hand, those who one perceives to be  capable of attacking them and have something in common with the perceived potential attacker are despised the most. This is perhaps why the media typically feels "sorry" for minority groups - because it makes them look like they are giving the minorities a voice.

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