Thursday 3 October 2013

The Precious Value of Life

Imagine that there is a mountain of dead, dying bodies that are literally stripped to the bone with the eyes almost popping out. Some are still alive, but most are breathing their last breath. You have been forced to sit to the bulldozer. If you don't bulldoze the stack of bodies, you will be shot to death by the soldiers. If you do, thousands of people will die at your hands. What would you do?

Frankly, as much as I fear it, I think I would rather be shot to death as much I would not want it. I I admit, it would take great courage to do so - to pay in blood to serve justice. Life is valuable and precious. All life is equal, and to sacrifice's one life to serve justice is the greatest service one can give to others. 

Sadly, humans have invented machines that are enable people to end one's life. Sacrificing one's life to serve justice is different from choosing to take one's own life simply because one wants to. To kill oneself is to devalue human life, not merely one's life but human life as a whole. By killing oneself, one is treating life as something that has no value. Sadly, this has happened in countries which have legalised euthanasia. 

Human life is treated as disposable. Every human has a purpose in life to use one's life to serve others, but sadly, some people do not see this. 

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