Sunday 20 October 2013

The Ugly Face of Liberalism

Liberalism may seem to be tolerant. Not so. It blames dominant strong groups for the problems faced by the weaker minority groups. That's why it supports more government control - a government that can teach the dominant groups a "lesson" to share their wealth, while the privileged minorities get away with everything. Minorities in the modern Western world get away with everything from paedophilia, custody disputes, drunken crimes and tax evasion. Read the news if you don't believe me. The High Court has decided to take into account Aboriginality as a factor for the sentencing of a crime. How ridiculous is that - to take into race, no matter what race as a factor for the sentencing of a crime (before you call me a racist). Here's some good news though: A female paedophile will be jailed for what she DID.

Liberals are really just jealous of those who are stronger than them, and feel sympathy for weaker groups out of their own pride. In the words of Karl Marx, liberals are useful idiots. They can be used by anyone. That is why so many naive young uni students, political and apolitical, are liberals. It is because they are selfish, naive and not willing to accept reality.

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