Monday 28 October 2013

Top 10 Most Annoying phrases

There are many annoying phrases in the Australian language. These phrases are a manifestation of liberalism and individualism which stench is that of rotting carcass:

  1. I can do whatever I want
  2. Are you going to the [name of bar, hotel] to get drunk?
  3. Did you slap him/her?
  4. Who did you get with?
  5. I had a great one night stand
  6. I want pay rise [but I don't want to work  harder]
  7. I should get whatever I want
  8. I demand the right to do whatever I want
  9. I can say whatever I want
  10. I can go whatever I want [and I get angry when people inquire because it is offensive]
Yet, people who use these phrases get angry when people who they deem to be "others" use them. How hypocritical!

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