Sunday 22 September 2013

"You impose your views on me, but I don't impose mine on you", says the liberal

Modern universities are a propaganda tool for liberalism. Anyone who dares to even hold personal values or beliefs that are against liberal beliefs is deemed a bigot without question. The young university liberals think they are so inherently open-minded because they are progressive, liberal and, above all, anti-conservative. Most of those who do not get involved in politics or have a concern, the apolitical -  have liberal leanings: they believe that, if nothing else, one should not be a conservative. One should attack conservatives, never liberals even if the liberals are outrageous and act in a bullying manner.

The liberals say, "it's fine if conservatives have their views, but they should not impose it on others. They are the ones responsible for doing so, not the liberals." They say legislating with respect to (conservative) personal beliefs constitutes to imposing one's views on others. However, legislating with respect to liberal values is not imposing views on others? Do liberals not have personal beliefs? Regarding legislation, the values of some ideology, irrespective of what it is will ultimately underlie the law. That is the nature of policy. There is no policy that 100% of people are satisfied with, and you what? That's life. 

The liberals, of course, say that it does not impose views of others when its values are legislated with respect to because they provide "open choices" for all. But, there is a catch in this. What one may appear to be open choice is not always that - a choice. 

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