Wednesday 11 December 2013

Australian Universities: A Breeding Ground for Wild Stupid and Inappropriate Behaviour

Australian universities are the cornerstone of the Australian economy. (Whether the economy is boosted by future workers, that is , generation Y is a different matter. However, they are also a breeding ground for wild people. Many Australian university student (ie. the culturally Australian locals, not ethnic minorities born in Australia or international students) not only participate in, but celebrate wild behaviour, such as doing 'inappropriate things behind closed doors'. Anyone who does not support or condone these things is deemed to be a backwards, stupid, naive, retarded idiot by majority of university students. The older generation of Australians often point out and are shocked at how wild university students have become. It is true that there were some wild university students in those days, but such wild behaviour was not cultural.

The wild young people think they are invincible because they are too proud to see how they must face the consequence or accept responsibility and they think they are so sophisticated by doing these things, only to find out they are not as invincible as they really are. How sophisticated are the wild partiers. It would not be surprising if the future Australian economy suffocates, because Generation Y is a generation of hedonists who are self-entitled and only know of fighting for one's rights.

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