Friday 27 December 2013

Darwinism (2): Evidence Against Evolution

There are many testable and provable scientific theories that refute Darwinian evolution.

  1. Order within living systems - Evolution (that is, Darwinian evolution) purports that living things are a result random molecules that order themselves with purpose to form living things that can function independently of external forces. Darwinism contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics which can be proved mathematically.
  2. Living things do not arise from non-living things as can be observed in nature. Have you ever seen a living thing being a product of non-living things? Asexual or sexual reproduction by living things is needed to give rise to living things.
  3. Darwinism purports that mutations are random. However, mutations, that is variations in a species are not random by inherited through gametes. They are caused by environmental factors such as climate, UV exposure

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