Sunday 3 February 2013

The Hidden Face of Political Progressivism

Political progressivism loves to express it hate for conservative politics and criticises it for not doing enough to help marginalised, oppressed groups. While some groups have been historically oppressed, some of these historically oppressed groups still claim that they are oppressed. It is important to remember that humans generally prefer to fight for their rights rather than help others. Humans like to receive help from others, rather than help others. As such, these "oppressed" groups use their historical position of oppression to claim that they are still being "oppressed". They attempt to twist history and make others deluded about their current plight to gain sympathy. They blame others when they are not able to achieve or gain what they want, and claim that others in dominant groups are evil.

The only thing more evil than oppressing others, is to lie that one is being oppressed to gain what one wants.

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