Sunday 17 February 2013

Insanity, Debauchery and Hypocrisy

Australians often think that their own culture is great one. Australians condemn violence against women (which has become a more important topic that violence against other groups), do not support war and respect others, and above all, treat everyone as equals. However, before we can analyse Australian cultural attitudes, we must ask who is considered 'Australian' and who is not in the people who live on this land of Australia?

Everyone must ask themselves, how do we treat people of other groups, before we can really call ourselves an egalitarian society.

I will explore the following in the next blog posts:

  • Secularism and how Christian minorities are treated
  • Sexual ethics
  • Australian women
  • Racism and sexism directed towards men and women of ethnic minorities
  • Egalitarianism

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