Saturday 16 February 2013

Lies is truth and truth is lies

If there is one oxymoron that should describe the state of affairs in the postmodern world, it is lies is truth and truth is lies. The idea (not fact) that there is no truth is contradicts itself. It purports itself as the ultimate truth. Many universities are promoting postmodernist beliefs, encouraging extrasensitivity in the words people use to describe people of certain groups such as man, woman, Asian, Western, Aboriginal or African - all terms that do not merely describe someone, but forms an "identity". An article in The Australian explains this well.

Since a person's identity is in what they identify themselves to be, then, out of respect, people who do not fall into a certain category must not use such "labels" because it does not describe them. To use such terms would equate to labelling. Labelling is wrong. Therefore, one should not use such terms.

However, in order to express the truth, words with real meanings must be used. Words exist to express what is the truth. Therefore, words that have meaning need to be used in communicating ideas. From the perspective of postmodernism, however, postmodernist words, not real words are used to express mere ideas and not the truth. However, words expressed always have a meaning.

Postmodernism may as well not use any words if it purports that the use of words are offensive. For this reason, it may as well be dead.

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