Friday 8 February 2013

It used to be ... (1)

It used to be that a relationship was founded on love and respect. It involved friendship and honesty about the character of the other person. People used to be able to tell the other person how much their loved one would annoy them at times and how stupid they could be. Marriages were meant to last a lifetime. Marriage was generally accepted be a union between a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others. Marriage was about husband and wife cooperating with each other.

No longer are relationships founded on love and respect. Relationships now involve two people (whether of opposite sex or the same-sex) who use each other for their own personal gain whether it be pleasure, money or power. It is now not only acceptable, but normal for people to have multiple relationships at the time. We now call people in a relationship partners and even 'friends with (read: deadly) benefits'. It is now acceptable in the eyes of society for people to be sexually involved outside of marriage. Marriage has become a contract, not a relationship. The man and the woman no longer need to cooperate with each other. It has become acceptable for women to beat their husbands, while husbands are made to cower before their wives.

Yet, a majority even have the audacity to say that we are becoming more respectful towards others. This is a lie. We have become not only brutal, but callous. Double standards to relationships apply - this time to men. Women are able to get away with unfaithfulness by claiming it is the only way to be "liberated". Only men are lambasted and blamed for bad behaviour, not women. Men are blamed for bad relationships no matter what the situation. It is no wonder children are abandoned, married men become single fathers and the elderly men and women have become lonelier. Generation Y has become ever more decadent and degenerate.

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