Saturday 9 February 2013

It used to be... (2)

It used to be that the education started at the home in the family. A family, now called the 'traditional family' consisted of a husband, wife and children. The parents would serve the family and community. The parents would teach their children values to guide and support their emotional, physical, social, mental and spiritual needs.

Now, parents fail to teach their children family and community values. Many parents of the Generation Y youth do not set examples for their children in many areas. Many parents do not have family values and do not have healthy relationships with others, especially people of the opposite sex. They had children out of wedlock, leaving the children brought up in a family that is unstable. Even if the parents do get married, the children are instilled with the idea that it is acceptable for parents to be unmarried, more importantly that it is right to engage in  sexual relationship outside of marriage.

This has produced a perverse, degenerate and morally decadent generation, a generation that has no respect for others, is selfish, and callous. People of Generation Y blame others for their own problems, except for when someone of their group (the classic example would be a young woman who is outraged about rape, but does not care if a man was harassed in a similar way).

It beggars the question as to how this generation can lead the future generations to come. How? It is a hard question given the lack of community and family values Generation Y has.

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