Monday 11 February 2013

It used to be..(4)

It used to be that work was done to serve the family and community. The husband and wife would distribute out the work as to who would work at home and who would work in the community. Either way, work was done to serve others.

No longer has work become a service to the community. Work now needs to be a career, especially for women. There has been many expectations placed on women to have a career and family. Those who can have both are successful. Those who can't are unsuccessful. Work that is not capable of being a career, that is, work that is not intellectual, or involving leading others, is not valuable. Such work is regarded as non-work.

Interestingly enough, a career, as the term is understood in the postmodern world, does not have to be one that is lucrative. It can be one that has much power or fame. Many of the powerful politicians and public servants, such as commissioners, are really just after the fame and power, in the guise of wanting to help others. Many of the powerful women politicians use women's rights as a pretext for their want of fame and power. It is an easy pretext to use because half the population is female, such that they can get more votes, and that such an issue is regarded as a sensitive one.

People have become so focused on their careers at the expense of relationships. Parents have neglected the needs of their children by letting other people look after them. Young people are becoming increasingly arrogant about their prospects. Women have become extremely proud about their careers that they look down on stay-at-home mothers.

That work has become a status symbol means that helping others is choice that people make depending on what they can gain. Our humanity has gone. Welcome to the postmodern world where there are very few  who truly serve others through their work.

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