Friday 3 May 2013

Political Correctness's Guise of Respect and Tolerance

Political correctness (PC)is the idea that people should not express ideas or beliefs about another group because it may offend members of that group. It may seem to be basic respect or tolerance, but political correctness is not based on respect or tolerance at all. To respect another is to treat the person with the same dignity was one would treat one self or one's group. One does not need to agree with the practices of other to be respectful towards that person. Similarly, one does not need to agree or follow another to tolerate the person.

Political correctness places the onus on the person expressing his or her views about another group to defend one's own beliefs, rather than allowing the person to be free to choice what one wants to believe. This intolerance is the very essence of political correctness. People in the Australian society can no longer free express one's views about another group. Instead, anyone who dares does so needs to be questioned by people of that group and defend oneself.

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