Friday 10 May 2013

Political Correctness: A Pretext for Some Being More Equal than Others

Political correctness is used as a tool by some groups to silence others from expressing their views about certain sensitive issues. Some are not allowed to express their views because their views are different from others, that is of course, the political correctness police. Only those who impose the rule of political correctness are allowed to because they are "marginalised". They claim to be marginalised, but they are dominant. They are wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. Anyone who follows them are the sheep who are mislead by the sinister and devious agenda of the political correctness police.

As a result of the sensitivity of issues imposed by political correctness, the left and right, the secular and religion, heterosexual and homosexual, male and female have become more polarised than ever. Anyone who is one of either the right (conservative), religious, heterosexual or male is no longer free to express one's views. Instead, any on these categories of people who express their views is deemed as 'dangerous' or 'cannot be trusted' because their views are invalid.

Academics, journalists, professionals and politicians who impose political correctness and enforce it are the most hypocritical bunch. They claim political correctness must be imposed to maintain freedom of belief and freedom of speech, but do not support it when it is against them. They only support it to use it against others.

Shame on anyone who dares makes this a devious or manipulative statement. 

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