Sunday 9 February 2014

Hollywood Exposed (2): Girls Gone Wild (and Delusional, Stupid and Idiotic)

Many young women think that singers such as Lady Gaga, Beyonce, etc empower them by being a role model for girls. They think that these singers empower themselves by being scantily scad, manipulating men for financial and sexual purposes, and getting smashed. Empowering? Dressing up scantily scad is not empowering. Manipulating people is not empowering - you will lose and others will have grounds to do the same to you. Don't believe me? Then I ask, why does the cycle of revenge occur? Getting smashed is not empowering.

I do not in anyway buy into the idea of empowerment, but that people think such behaviour is empowering shows that moral standards are twisted. There are no longer any moral standards in society anymore. To think that sexualisation of people is wrong because it disempowers them is utterly selfish. It is not about self-empowerment - it is about respecting others by not using them as means to an ends but ends in themselves.

To think that getting smashed and scad is empowering is absolutely foolish. Don't you think? To say that "I love getting smashed" is to say "I love being vulnerable, I love being subject to abuse and manipulation".

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