Saturday 30 November 2013

Feminist Indoctrination and Double Standards

Many people do not realise how indoctrinated they are by feminism. Feminism has blinded people, including men and boys themselves to think that they are the ones who are responsible for all the 'plight of women'. Google searches reveal 10 ways the world is sexist against men and boys, such as how boys are expected to always give in to the wishes of their girlfriends no matter how pushy or manipulative she has been. As someone brought up in a more conservative culture, as opposed to the liberal Australia culture living in Australia, I can see very clearly the double standards against men. On the other hand, women in the Australia, and perhaps the West at large, are not in any way reprimanded for being manipulative. In fact, I have seen how such manipulation by Australian women is encouraged - regarded as a sign of a "strong, "independent" woman. This sort of manipulation is considered one of the most despicable character traits in cultures where there is an obligation of respect for all others, such as in Asia.

No wonder men do not want to marry and have lost respect for women in the West. It it all too understandable.

1 comment:

Dwayne said...

A piece of legislative garbage passed in California in 1994, ironically at a time when pretense of "Left" thinking meant a butt kicking at the voting booth, was a bill requiring that state's employers to allow females to wear pants to work; that means that males can be regulated when it comes to workplace dress without end, but not females. The irony is, our governor at the time, Pete Wilson, was supposed to appeal to the Right(who no more liked him, a Republican, than lefties did).