Saturday 20 July 2013

"Minorities are to be supported because they are minorities" says the media

If there are any groups the media will always love, they are the minorities. That is, the groups which claim that they are the minority and play the victim card, not the groups who are really minorities. This is because they help make the media influential. The media thrives on the suffering of others. Before we blame the media, we must look at ourselves as a community. 

We love to watch how others are suffering because it makes us feel better, or convinced that we are not the worst off. That is why. We love to hear negative things about others. We forget the good things others do, and never forget the bad things others do. That is who we are as people. 

Social behaviour allows the media to thrive by siding minority groups. Siding minority groups means to make their (deceitful) voice of suffering and oppression heard. As a result, it can be said that the resentment towards people of "victimised" groups is forgiveable, albeit based on a stereotype. 

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