Saturday 27 April 2013

Where Creativity becomes a Repressive Cloud of Confusion

Arts is perhaps the field that is most susceptible to political and ideological propaganda. This is because arts explores various understanding from a range of perspectives. As such, theorists in an arts fields such as international relations, psychology and politics are able to argue that their views are not invalid or unreasonable on the grounds that any perspective is valid. This is evidence of our postmodern world where every view is equally valid.

If every view is equally valid, then, how can two conflicting views be resolved? How do we determine who is right and who is wrong? In our postmodern world, it depends all on who is the more powerful. No longer can we make assumptions about a person's status on the basis of their group. No longer can one say that one is right as that would be seen as a egotistical view. Yet, some people can criticise others to be wrong and act like their right, even when have no grounds to say so.

Groups that claim that they are oppressed, often do so to gain "moral authority" over others in their pernicious lies. No longer does society believe in any truths. If there is no truth, there is no grounds for claiming human rights as rights are inherently possessed by the individual.

Postmodern makes no sense. Political correctness has repressed any efforts to break the silence that there are truths.

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